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to signal for a spade

  • 1 appel

    appel [apεl]
    1. masculine noun
       a. ( = cri) call
    appel à l'aide or au secours call for help
       b. ( = sollicitation) call
    appel aux armes/aux urnes call to arms/to vote
    offre/prix d'appel introductory offer/price
    article or produit d'appel loss leader
       c. faire appel à ( = invoquer) to appeal to ; ( = avoir recours à) to call on ; ( = nécessiter) to call for
    faire appel au bon sens/à la générosité de qn to appeal to sb's common sense/generosity
       d. ( = vérification de présence) (en classe) register ; (à l'armée) roll call
    absent/présent à l'appel [élève] absent/present
       e. ( = recours en justice) appeal
    sans appel [décision] final
       f. (Military = mobilisation) call-up
       h. (Cards) signal (à for)
       i. ( = élan) take-off
       j. (Computing) call
    * * *
    nom masculin

    ‘dernier appel pour Tokyo’ — ‘last call for Tokyo’

    appel au secourslit call for help; fig cry for help

    2) ( supplique) appeal

    appel àcall for [solidarité]; appeal for [calme]; call to [armes]; plea for [clémence]

    lancer un appel àto call for [solidarité, grève]; to appeal for [calme]

    appel téléphonique/radio — phone/radio call

    5) ( recours)

    appel àappeal to [personne, bon sens]

    faire appel à[personne] to call [pompiers, police, spécialiste]; to bring in [artiste]; to call up [capitaux]; [gouvernement] to call in [armée, police, puissance étrangère]; [tâche] to call for [connaissances]

    6) ( vérification) gén roll call; École registration

    faire l'appelgén to take the roll call; École to take the register

    manquer à l'appelgén to be absent at the roll call; École to be absent at registration

    7) Armée ( convocation) call up GB, draft US
    8) ( attirance)

    l'appel dethe call of [large, forêt]

    9) Droit appeal

    sans appellit without further right of appeal

    une décision sans appelfig a final decision

    condamner sans appelfig to condemn out of hand

    11) Jeux ( aux cartes) signal
    12) Informatique call

    d'appel[programme, station, séquence] calling (épith); [demande, indicatif, mot] call (épith)

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    apɛl nm
    1) (pour héler, demander de l'aide) call

    Ils ont lancé un appel pour venir en aide aux victimes. — They launched an appeal to help the victims.

    5) (nominal) MILITAIRE roll call, ÉDUCATION register

    faire l'appel MILITAIRE — to call the roll, ÉDUCATIONto call the register

    6) (= recrutement) MILITAIRE call-up

    faire appel — to appeal, to lodge an appeal

    interjeter appel — to appeal, to lodge an appeal

    sans appel fig — final, irrevocable

    faire appel à (= invoquer) — to appeal to, (= avoir recours à) to call on, (= nécessiter) to call for, to require

    * * *
    appel nm
    1 ( invitation pressante) call; ‘dernier appel pour Tokyo’ ‘last call for Tokyo’; appel au secours lit call for help; fig cry for help; les enfants se sont enfuis à l'appel de leur mère the children ran away when they heard their mother calling; l'appel des syndicats n'a pas été entendu the call of the trade unions was not heeded; il m'a fait un appel du regard he signalledGB to me with his eyes; l'appel des fidèles à la messe calling the faithful to mass; l'appel de la cloche le dimanche the ringing of church bells on Sundays;
    2 ( supplique) appeal, plea; un appel pathétique/solennel a pathetic/solemn appeal; lancer un appel (en faveur de) to make an appeal (on behalf of); appel à l'aide plea ou appeal for aid; répondre or se rendre à l'appel de to respond to the appeal of; lancer un appel à la télévision/à la radio to put out an appeal on television/on the radio;
    3 ( incitation) appel à call for [solidarité]; appeal for [calme]; call to [révolte]; plea for [clémence]; appel à la grève strike call; lancer un appel à to call for [solidarité, grève]; to appeal for [calme]; to call to [révolte, armes]; appel au meurtre death threat; lancer un appel au meurtre contre qn to call for sb's assassination;
    4 Télécom call; appel téléphonique phone call; appel radio radio call; un appel de Londres pour vous a call from London for you; prendre/recevoir un appel to take/to get a call;
    5 ( recours) appel à appeal to [personne, générosité, bon sens]; faire appel à [personne] to call [pompiers, police, spécialiste]; to bring in [artiste, architecte]; to call up [capitaux]; [gouvernement] to call in [armée, police, puissance étrangère]; to call for [intervention]; [tâche] to call for [connaissances, notions]; faire appel à la justice to go to court;
    6 ( vérification) gén roll call; Scol registration; faire l'appel gén to take the roll call; Scol to take the register; manquer à l'appel gén to be absent at the roll call; Scol to be absent at registration;
    7 Mil ( convocation) call up GB, draft US;
    8 ( attirance) l'appel de the call of [large, chair, forêt];
    9 Jur appeal; faire appel to appeal; faire appel d'un jugement to appeal against a decision; perdre en appel to lose an appeal; juger en appel to hear an appeal; sans appel lit without further right of appeal; une décision sans appel fig a final decision; condamner sans appel fig to condemn out of hand;
    10 Sport take off; prendre son appel to take off; jambe/pied d'appel take-off leg/foot;
    11 Jeux ( aux cartes) signal; faire un appel to signal for a card; faire un appel à cœur to ask for a return in hearts;
    12 Ordinat call; d'appel [programme, station, séquence] calling ( épith); [demande, indicatif, mot] call ( épith);
    13 Comm prix d'appel loss-leader price; produit or article d'appel loss leader.
    l' appel du 18 juin Hist General de Gaulle's appeal of 18 June 1940; appel d'air draught GB, draft US; créer or faire un appel d'air to create a draught GB ou draft US; appel des causes Jur roll call of matters listed; appel de fonds Fin call for capital; faire un appel de fonds to call for capital, to call up capital; appel d'offres Admin invitation to tender; lancer un appel d'offres to invite tenders; appel de phares flash of headlights GB ou high beams US; faire un appel de phares to flash one's headlights GB ou high beams US; appel du pied veiled invitation, discreet appeal.
    [apɛl] nom masculin
    1. [cri] call
    un appel au secours ou à l'aide
    l'appel du 18 juin 1940General de Gaulle's radio appeal to the French people to resist the occupying Nazi forces
    b. [d'une personne] call for help
    2. [coup de téléphone]
    3. [sollicitation] appeal
    a. [clémence, générosité] to appeal to
    b. [courage, intelligence, qualité, souvenirs] to summon (up)
    faire appel à l'armée to call in the army, to call the army out
    aller en appel to appeal, to go to appeal
    6. [liste de présence] roll call
    MILITAIRE [mobilisation] call-up
    a. ÉDUCATION to take the register (UK), to call (the) roll (US)
    appel d'une classe call-up ou calling up of a class
    appel par référence/valeur call by reference/value
    programme/séquence d'appel call routine/sequence
    8. JEUX
    faire un appel à cœur/carreau to signal for a heart/diamond
    sans appel locution adjectivale
    2. [irrévocable] irrevocable
    c'est sans appel there's no going back on it, it's final

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > appel

  • 2 call

    ko:l 1. verb
    1) (to give a name to: My name is Alexander but I'm called Sandy by my friends) sette navn på, kalle
    2) (to regard (something) as: I saw you turn that card over - I call that cheating.) kalle
    3) (to speak loudly (to someone) to attract attention etc: Call everyone over here; She called louder so as to get his attention.) rope
    4) (to summon; to ask (someone) to come (by letter, telephone etc): They called him for an interview for the job; He called a doctor.) innkalle; be, ringe
    5) (to make a visit: I shall call at your house this evening; You were out when I called.) avlegge et besøk, besøke
    6) (to telephone: I'll call you at 6 p.m.) ringe
    7) ((in card games) to bid.) melde, forhøye innsatsen
    2. noun
    1) (an exclamation or shout: a call for help.) (an)rop, skrik
    2) (the song of a bird: the call of a blackbird.) (fugle)sang
    3) (a (usually short) visit: The teacher made a call on the boy's parents.) besøk, visitt
    4) (the act of calling on the telephone: I've just had a call from the police.) telefonoppringning
    5) ((usually with the) attraction: the call of the sea.) tiltrekning
    6) (a demand: There's less call for coachmen nowadays.) etterspørsel, krav, fordring
    7) (a need or reason: You've no call to say such things!) behov, grunn
    - calling
    - call-box
    - call for
    - call off
    - call on
    - call up
    - give someone a call
    - give a call
    - on call
    subst. \/kɔːl\/
    1) rop, skrik
    2) (om fugl, dyr) fløyt, lokketone, brøl, skrik
    3) anrop (fly, radio), signal, oppringning, telefonsamtale
    4) ( religion) kall
    answer the call of nature ( forskjønnende) gjøre sitt fornødne, gå på toalettet
    a call to arms kampsignal
    call waiting ( telekommunikasjon) samtale venter
    a close call på nære nippet
    can you give me a call at 6?
    good call ( hverdagslig) bra jobbet, godt gjort
    so this is all thanks to you? good call!
    incoming call ( telekommunikasjon) innkommende samtale
    put a call through ringe opp sette over en samtale
    verb \/kɔːl\/
    1) rope, kalle, skrike, rope på
    2) ( ved navneopprop e.l.) rope opp, lese opp, kalle opp
    3) kalle inn, kalle sammen til, innkalle
    4) anrope, alarmere, tilkalle
    5) ringe, telefonere
    don't call us, we'll call you
    ikke ring oss, vi ringer deg
    6) vekke, purre
    7) kalle, benevne, hete, kalles
    8) avlegge en visitt, komme på besøk, stikke innom
    9) ( om fugl eller annet dyr) skrike, synge, fløyte
    10) ( jus) føre, stevne som vitne
    11) anse, betrakte, beskrive, betegne
    12) ( børs) forlange levering
    13) ( handel) forutsi resultatet av
    14) ( kortspill) melde
    15) ( poker) kreve at spilleren viser hånden (kortene sine)
    be called hete, kalles (for)
    call after oppkalle etter ( med kallenavn) rope etter, kalle
    call a spade a spade kalle en spade for en spade, ikke legge noe imellom, kalle tingene ved deres rette navn
    call at besøke, stikke innom
    ( sjøfart) anløpe, gå innom ( om tog eller buss) stoppe ved\/i
    the 10.15 to Southampton, calling only at Woking
    call away kalle ut, kalle bort, avlede
    call back rope tilbake ta tilbake, tilbakekalle
    ( telekommunikasjon) ringe tilbake, ringe opp igjen
    call by stikke innom i full fart
    call collect (amer.) ringe på noteringsoverføring
    call down nedkalle skjelle ut, bruke kjeft på, lekse opp
    a called session et ekstra møte
    call for rope på, rope inn (teater) be om, etterlyse, kreve, forlange
    påkalle, mane til, nødvendiggjøre komme og hente, spørre etter
    call forth fremkalle, kalle frem, mane frem oppby, samle sammen
    call in invitere, innby, samle innkalle, tilkalle inndra
    stikke innom, ta en snartur, ta en svipptur innom
    call in person møte frem personlig
    call in sick ringe til jobben og si at man er syk
    call it a day ta kvelden, avslutte for i dag
    I'm exhausted! Let's call it a day
    call off avlede
    avlyse, innstille, avblåse, gjøre om, bryte
    ombestemme seg \/ tilbakekalle en avgjørelse
    shall we call the whole thing off?
    la gå tilbake, kalle tilbake (jakt, om hund) rope tilbake til seg, kalle inn
    call your dog off!
    angre seg, trekke seg
    call on gi ordet til
    the chairman called on Mr. Smith
    ordstyreren gav ordet til hr. Smith
    besøke, stikke innom, se til
    call out tilkalle, kommandere ut, kalle ut, alarmere
    ( sjøfart) synge ut ( overført) få frem, kalle på, kalle frem
    rope opp, utrope
    ( gammeldags) utfordre, utmane (til duell) ta ut i streik, pålegge noen streik
    call over rope opp gi en overhaling, kjefte på
    call round stikke innom
    call someone names fornærme noen (ved å bruke skjellsord)
    I'm really angry with her, she called me names!
    call something into question trekke noe i tvil
    call to mind minne om, gjenkalle i erindringen, få til å tenke på
    call up kalle frem, mane frem (spøkelser)
    kalle frem, gjenkalle (minner), vekke til live
    ( telekommunikasjon) ringe til, ringe opp, telefonere til
    ( militærvesen) innkalle (til militærtjeneste)
    call (up)on hilse på, besøke
    call upon påkalle, anmode, oppfordre (sterkt), forplikte
    be left till called for ( post) poste restante (til avhenting)

    English-Norwegian dictionary > call

  • 3 claro

    1 obvious, apparent, clear, crisp.
    2 clear, bright, clear-cut, articulate.
    3 definite, distinct.
    sure, sure enough, of course.
    1 clearing, glade, clear space, clear.
    2 gap.
    3 Claro.
    * * *
    1 (gen) clear
    2 (iluminado) bright, well-lit
    3 (color) light
    4 (salsa etc) thin; (café, chocolate, etc) weak
    5 (evidente) clear
    1 clearly
    1 (gen) gap, space; (de bosque) clearing
    2 (en el pelo) bald patch
    interjección ¡claro!
    1 of course!
    ¡claro que no puedes! of course you can't!
    a las claras openly
    dejar algo claro to make something clear
    estar claro to be clear
    ¡lo llevas claro! / ¡lo tienes claro! familiar you've got it coming to you!
    más claro,-a que el agua familiar as clear as daylight
    poner en claro to make plain, clear up
    sacar en claro to get out
    claro de luna moonlight
    mente clara figurado clear mind
    1 (gen) gap, space; (de bosque) clearing
    2 (en el pelo) bald patch
    * * *
    1. (f. - clara)
    4) fair, light
    5) weak, thin
    2. adv.
    2) sure
    3. noun m.
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) (=no oscuro) [piel] fair; [color] light, pale

    un vestido verde claroa light o pale green dress

    2) (=evidente)
    a) [con sustantivos] [ejemplo, prueba, ventaja] clear; [inconveniente] obvious; [desastre] total, absolute

    España ganó por un claro 15-6 — Spain won a decisive 15-6 victory, Spain were clear winners by 15-6

    ... aseguró, en clara referencia a sus superiores —... he asserted, clearly referring o in an obvious reference to his superiors

    b) [con verbos]

    dejar algo claro — to make sth clear

    dejar las cosas claras o en claro — to get things clear, get things straight *

    estar claro — to be clear

    ¿está claro? — is that clear?

    estar claro que — to be clear that, be obvious that

    está claro que así no vamos a ninguna parteit's clear o obvious that we'll get nowhere like this

    quedar claro — to be clear

    si te lees la bibliografía, te quedará todo más claro — if you read the books on the reading list, it'll all be clearer to you o you'll have a better idea of things

    tener algo claro — to be sure of sth, be clear about sth

    ni siquiera tengo claro lo que me espera mañanaI'm not even sure o clear what's in store for me tomorrow

    no lo tengo nada claro — I'm not at all sure, I don't really know


    a las claras —

    las cuentas claras —

    llevarlo Esp o tenerlo claro iró

    sacar algo en claro (de algo) —

    solo hemos sacado en claro que no pretende dimitirall that we can safely o definitely say is that he has no intention of resigning

    lo único que la policía consiguió sacar en claro durante el interrogatorio — the only definite thing the police got from the interview

    ver algo claro —

    3) (=poco espeso) [té, café] weak; [caldo] thin
    4) (=luminoso) [día, mañana] bright; [habitación, casa] light, bright
    5) (=transparente) [agua] clear; [tejido] transparent
    6) (=nítido) [sonido, voz] clear; [imagen] sharp, clear
    7) (=escaso) [pelo] thin; [bosque] light, sparse
    8) (=preciso) [idea] clear

    una mente clara — (lit) a clear mind; (fig) a clear thinker

    9) (=sincero) frank
    2. ADV
    1) (=con precisión) [oír, ver, hablar] clearly
    2) (=sinceramente) frankly

    hablar claro — to speak frankly, be frank

    3) [tras invitaciones, peticiones] sure

    -¿puedo usar tu coche mañana? -¡claro! — "can I use your car tomorrow?" - "sure!"

    -¿queréis venir a cenar? -¡claro! — "would you like to come to dinner?" - "sure!"

    4) [uso enfático]

    ¡claro! por eso estaba ayer tan rara — of course! that's why she was acting so funny yesterday

    a menos que, claro está, él también la conozca — unless of course he knows her too

    -¿por qué no te disfrazas tú? -¡claro, para que os riáis de mí todos! — "why don't you dress up?" - "oh sure, so you can all laugh at me!"

    claro que, claro que nadie se imaginaba lo que vendría después — of course nobody could imagine what would happen afterwards

    ¡claro que no! — of course not!

    ¡claro que sí! — yes, of course!

    3. SM
    1) (Meteo) bright spell, sunny interval
    2) [de tiempo] lull
    3) (=espacio despejado) [entre personas] space; [entre árboles] clearing; [de pelo] bald patch
    4) [en un texto] gap, space; [en discurso] pause
    5) (Arquit) (=claraboya) skylight; (=abertura) window (opening)
    6) Caribe (Culin) guava jelly
    7) Caribe (=bebida) sugar-cane brandy
    * * *
    - ra adjetivo
    1) ( luminoso) <cielo/habitación> bright
    2) ( pálido) <color/verde/azul> light, pale; < piel> fair

    tiene los ojos claros — she has blue/green/gray eyes

    3) <salsa/sopa> thin
    4) <agua/sonido> clear; <ideas/explicación/instrucciones> clear; <situación/postura> clear

    que quede bien claro que... — I want it to be quite clear that...

    ¿está claro? — is that clear?

    quiero dejar (en) claro que... — I want to make it very o quite clear that...

    a las claras: díselo a las claras tell her straight; llevarlo claro (Esp fam) to be in for a shock; sacar algo en claro de algo — to make sense of something

    5) ( evidente) clear, obvious

    está claro que... — it is clear o obvious that...

    a no ser, claro está, que esté mintiendo — unless, of course, he's lying

    1) < ver> clearly

    voy a hablarte claroI'm not going to beat around o about the bush

    me lo dijo muy clarohe made it very o quite clear (to me)

    claro que no! — no, of course not!

    claro que sí! — of course, absolutely!

    b) ( como enlace) mind you

    nadie le creyó, claro no es de extrañar — nobody believed him. Mind you, it's not surprising

    claro, así cualquiera puede — well, of course anyone can do it like that

    díselo - claro, para que me regañe ¿no? — (iró) tell him - oh sure, and have him tell me off, right? (iro)

    1) ( en bosque) clearing; (en el pelo, la barba) bald patch
    2) (Meteo) sunny spell o period o interval
    * * *
    = apparent, clear [clearer -comp., clearest -sup.], clear-cut, crisp [crisper -comp., crispest -sup.], definite, distinct, light, neat [neater -comp., neatest -sup.], plain [plainer -comp., plainest -sup.], straightforward, tidy, distinctive, designated, uncloudy, unclouded, unclouded, cloudless, forthright, uncompromising, unqualified, cut and dried [cut and dry], patent.
    Ex. Menu-based information retrieval system have found favour because of their apparent simplicity.
    Ex. In practice the distinction between one term and the next is not very clear.
    Ex. The hierarchical relationship is relatively clear-cut, and rather precise guideliness can be formulated to ensure that the BT/NT relationship is consistently applied.
    Ex. A crisp, even impression became the norm, along with the use of respectable paper and ink.
    Ex. I don't see that we are going to stand a chance unless there is something very definite coming out of this conference and similar conferences where these ideas are advanced.
    Ex. Against this proliferation of hosts there is a distinct awareness amongst users of the need for the rationalisation.
    Ex. To match the small amount of existing furniture which was reused, internal joinery and furniture is in a light coloured timber.
    Ex. What is possibly less easy is to making sure that the guiding stays clean, neat and accurate.
    Ex. To reiterate, there are two main categories of relationship: the syntactic relationships referred to in the last paragraph and plain, for example, in a topic such as 'sugar and health'.
    Ex. Even in this apparently straightforward situation, complications can arise.
    Ex. This was all very tidy, but who was to judge significance?.
    Ex. A patron may submit a beautifully legible request for a book with a distinctive author and title, accompanied by a reference to the journal article from which the citation was gleaned.
    Ex. It is tremendously valuable to library staff (particularly in libraries with a designated departmental structure) to maintain close professional ties with local academic departments.
    Ex. In that case, the peak of solar energy could be at an uncloudy moment in the morning or afternoon, even though the sun wasn't highest in the sky at that moment.
    Ex. As they grow up in those heady post-war years, in the blue unclouded weather of the late 1940s, these are the sisters you'll never forget.
    Ex. As they grow up in those heady post-war years, in the blue unclouded weather of the late 1940s, these are the sisters you'll never forget.
    Ex. This is the first cloudless image of the Earth from space.
    Ex. We have been told once, in clear and forthright terms, what it is that we need.
    Ex. What precipitated that furor was that Panizzi's volume represented a uncompromising rejection of the comfortable ideology of the finding catalog.
    Ex. Wing has not had the almost unqualified praise from the reviewers that Pollard and Redgrave received.
    Ex. One of them snipped Ben Kline's life short, and Marla's determined to get to the root of a case that's anything but cut and dried.
    Ex. It was patent that they could not compete on equal terms with the economic and social forces of a complex civilization.
    * cantarlas claras = call + a spade a spade.
    * con una meta clara = focused [focussed].
    * con un objetivo claro = focused [focussed].
    * cuestiones poco claras = grey area [gray area].
    * de forma clara = clearly.
    * dejar bien claro = make + it + crystal clear, make + Reflexivo + crystal clear.
    * dejar claro = make + it + clear, send + a clear signal that.
    * de manera clara = distinctly, clearly.
    * de modo claro = transparently.
    * en + Lengua + claro = in plain + Lengua.
    * en términos claros = in simple terms.
    * estar claro = be plain, be out in the open.
    * hablar claro = lay + Posesivo + cards on the table, put + Posesivo + cards on the table.
    * las cosas + estar + claras = the (hand)writing + be + on the wall, see it + coming.
    * más claro el agua = as clear as a bell.
    * más claro que el agua = as clear as a bell.
    * nada claro = unclear, uncleared.
    * no dar una impresión clara = send + mixed signals.
    * no está claro todavía = the jury is still out (on).
    * para que quede más claro = for main effects.
    * pasta de clara de huevo = glair.
    * poco claro = fuzzy [fuzzier - comp., fuzziest -sup.], indistinct, obscure, unclear, untidy, hazy, inconclusive, slurred, clouded, undistinguished, uncleared, indistinctive.
    * poner en claro = clear up.
    * ser algo muy claro = be a dead giveaway.
    * sin una meta clara = unfocused [unfocussed].
    * sin un objetivo claro = non-purposive, unfocused [unfocussed].
    * tan claro como el agua = as clear as a bell.
    * tener Algo claro = clarify + Posesivo + mind.
    * tener claro = be clear in your mind.
    * violeta claro = periwinkle.
    * * *
    - ra adjetivo
    1) ( luminoso) <cielo/habitación> bright
    2) ( pálido) <color/verde/azul> light, pale; < piel> fair

    tiene los ojos claros — she has blue/green/gray eyes

    3) <salsa/sopa> thin
    4) <agua/sonido> clear; <ideas/explicación/instrucciones> clear; <situación/postura> clear

    que quede bien claro que... — I want it to be quite clear that...

    ¿está claro? — is that clear?

    quiero dejar (en) claro que... — I want to make it very o quite clear that...

    a las claras: díselo a las claras tell her straight; llevarlo claro (Esp fam) to be in for a shock; sacar algo en claro de algo — to make sense of something

    5) ( evidente) clear, obvious

    está claro que... — it is clear o obvious that...

    a no ser, claro está, que esté mintiendo — unless, of course, he's lying

    1) < ver> clearly

    voy a hablarte claroI'm not going to beat around o about the bush

    me lo dijo muy clarohe made it very o quite clear (to me)

    claro que no! — no, of course not!

    claro que sí! — of course, absolutely!

    b) ( como enlace) mind you

    nadie le creyó, claro no es de extrañar — nobody believed him. Mind you, it's not surprising

    claro, así cualquiera puede — well, of course anyone can do it like that

    díselo - claro, para que me regañe ¿no? — (iró) tell him - oh sure, and have him tell me off, right? (iro)

    1) ( en bosque) clearing; (en el pelo, la barba) bald patch
    2) (Meteo) sunny spell o period o interval
    * * *
    = apparent, clear [clearer -comp., clearest -sup.], clear-cut, crisp [crisper -comp., crispest -sup.], definite, distinct, light, neat [neater -comp., neatest -sup.], plain [plainer -comp., plainest -sup.], straightforward, tidy, distinctive, designated, uncloudy, unclouded, unclouded, cloudless, forthright, uncompromising, unqualified, cut and dried [cut and dry], patent.

    Ex: Menu-based information retrieval system have found favour because of their apparent simplicity.

    Ex: In practice the distinction between one term and the next is not very clear.
    Ex: The hierarchical relationship is relatively clear-cut, and rather precise guideliness can be formulated to ensure that the BT/NT relationship is consistently applied.
    Ex: A crisp, even impression became the norm, along with the use of respectable paper and ink.
    Ex: I don't see that we are going to stand a chance unless there is something very definite coming out of this conference and similar conferences where these ideas are advanced.
    Ex: Against this proliferation of hosts there is a distinct awareness amongst users of the need for the rationalisation.
    Ex: To match the small amount of existing furniture which was reused, internal joinery and furniture is in a light coloured timber.
    Ex: What is possibly less easy is to making sure that the guiding stays clean, neat and accurate.
    Ex: To reiterate, there are two main categories of relationship: the syntactic relationships referred to in the last paragraph and plain, for example, in a topic such as 'sugar and health'.
    Ex: Even in this apparently straightforward situation, complications can arise.
    Ex: This was all very tidy, but who was to judge significance?.
    Ex: A patron may submit a beautifully legible request for a book with a distinctive author and title, accompanied by a reference to the journal article from which the citation was gleaned.
    Ex: It is tremendously valuable to library staff (particularly in libraries with a designated departmental structure) to maintain close professional ties with local academic departments.
    Ex: In that case, the peak of solar energy could be at an uncloudy moment in the morning or afternoon, even though the sun wasn't highest in the sky at that moment.
    Ex: As they grow up in those heady post-war years, in the blue unclouded weather of the late 1940s, these are the sisters you'll never forget.
    Ex: As they grow up in those heady post-war years, in the blue unclouded weather of the late 1940s, these are the sisters you'll never forget.
    Ex: This is the first cloudless image of the Earth from space.
    Ex: We have been told once, in clear and forthright terms, what it is that we need.
    Ex: What precipitated that furor was that Panizzi's volume represented a uncompromising rejection of the comfortable ideology of the finding catalog.
    Ex: Wing has not had the almost unqualified praise from the reviewers that Pollard and Redgrave received.
    Ex: One of them snipped Ben Kline's life short, and Marla's determined to get to the root of a case that's anything but cut and dried.
    Ex: It was patent that they could not compete on equal terms with the economic and social forces of a complex civilization.
    * cantarlas claras = call + a spade a spade.
    * con una meta clara = focused [focussed].
    * con un objetivo claro = focused [focussed].
    * cuestiones poco claras = grey area [gray area].
    * de forma clara = clearly.
    * dejar bien claro = make + it + crystal clear, make + Reflexivo + crystal clear.
    * dejar claro = make + it + clear, send + a clear signal that.
    * de manera clara = distinctly, clearly.
    * de modo claro = transparently.
    * en + Lengua + claro = in plain + Lengua.
    * en términos claros = in simple terms.
    * estar claro = be plain, be out in the open.
    * hablar claro = lay + Posesivo + cards on the table, put + Posesivo + cards on the table.
    * las cosas + estar + claras = the (hand)writing + be + on the wall, see it + coming.
    * más claro el agua = as clear as a bell.
    * más claro que el agua = as clear as a bell.
    * nada claro = unclear, uncleared.
    * no dar una impresión clara = send + mixed signals.
    * no está claro todavía = the jury is still out (on).
    * para que quede más claro = for main effects.
    * pasta de clara de huevo = glair.
    * poco claro = fuzzy [fuzzier - comp., fuzziest -sup.], indistinct, obscure, unclear, untidy, hazy, inconclusive, slurred, clouded, undistinguished, uncleared, indistinctive.
    * poner en claro = clear up.
    * ser algo muy claro = be a dead giveaway.
    * sin una meta clara = unfocused [unfocussed].
    * sin un objetivo claro = non-purposive, unfocused [unfocussed].
    * tan claro como el agua = as clear as a bell.
    * tener Algo claro = clarify + Posesivo + mind.
    * tener claro = be clear in your mind.
    * violeta claro = periwinkle.

    * * *
    claro1 -ra
    A (luminoso) ‹cielo› bright; ‹habitación› bright, light
    el día amaneció claro the day dawned bright and clear
    B (pálido) ‹color/verde/azul› light, pale; ‹piel› fair, white
    tiene los ojos claros she has blue/green/gray eyes
    el típico sueco rubio y de ojos claros the typical blue-eyed, blond Swede
    C ‹salsa/sopa› thin; ‹café/té› weak
    D ‹agua/sonido› clear
    habló con voz clara she spoke in a clear voice
    E ‹ideas/explicación/instrucciones› clear; ‹situación/postura› clear
    consiguieron una clara ventaja they gained a clear advantage
    tiene muy claro lo que quiere en la vida she is very clear o sure about what she wants out of life, she knows exactly what she wants out of life
    que quede bien claro que … I want it to be quite clear that …
    lo harás como yo te diga, ¿está claro? you'll do it the way I say, is that clear o do I make myself clear?
    quiero dejar (en) claro que … or que quede bien (en) claro que … I want to make it very o quite clear that …, let it be very o quite clear that …
    a las claras: no me lo dijo a las claras she didn't tell me in so many words o straight out o ( AmE) right off
    no seas cobarde y díselo a las claras don't be a coward, tell her straight
    llevarlo claro ( Esp fam) (estar equivocado) to be in for a shock o a disappointment; (enfrentarse a algo difícil) to have one's work cut out ( colloq)
    pasar la noche en claro to lie o be awake all night
    sacar algo en claro de algo to make sense of sth
    ¿tú sacaste algo en claro de lo que dijo? did you manage to make any sense of what he said?
    F (evidente) clear, obvious
    hay pruebas claras de que miente there is clear evidence that he is lying
    está claro que ella es la culpable it is clear o obvious that she is the culprit, she is clearly o obviously the culprit
    … a no ser, claro está, que esté mintiendo … unless, of course, he's lying
    A ‹hablar/ver›
    voy a hablarte claro I'm not going to beat around o about the bush, I'm going to give it to you straight ( colloq)
    ahora lo veo claro I see it all clearly now, now I get it! ( colloq)
    me lo dijo muy claro he made it very o quite clear (to me)
    claro y raspado ( Ven fam); straight
    me lo dijo todo claro y raspado he told me straight, he didn't beat around o about the bush
    B ( indep)
    ¡claro que lo sabe! of course she knows!
    ¿te gustaría verlo? — ¡claro! would you like to see it? — yes, I'd love to o ( colloq) sure!
    ¿lo hizo? — ¡claro que no! did he do it? — no, of course not! o no, of course he didn't!
    2 (como enlace) mind you
    nadie le creyó, claro que conociéndolo no es de extrañar nobody believed him. Mind you, knowing him it's not surprising
    lo ayudó la madre — claro, así cualquiera his mother helped him — well, of course anyone can do it like that
    anda, díselo tú — claro, para que me eche a mí la bronca ¿no? ( iró); go on, you tell him — oh sure o oh fine o I see, so that way it's me he gets mad at, right? ( iro)
    A (en un bosque) clearing; (en el pelo, la barba) bald patch
    había algunos claros en las gradas there were a few empty spaces in the stand
    B ( Meteo) sunny spell o period o interval
    * * *


    claro 1
    ◊ -ra adjetivo

    a) ( luminoso) ‹cielo/habitación bright

    b) ( pálido) ‹color/verde/azul light, pale;

    piel fair;
    tiene los ojos claros she has blue/green/gray eyes

    c)salsa/sopa thin

    d)agua/sonido clear;

    ideas/explicación/instrucciones clear;
    situación/postura clear;

    ¿está claro? is that clear?;
    quiero dejar (en) claro que … I want to make it clear that …;
    sacar algo en claro de algo to make sense of sth

    está claro que … it is clear o obvious that …;

    a no ser, claro está, que esté mintiendo unless, of course, he's lying
    claro 2 adverbio
    1 ver clearly;
    voy a hablarte claro I'm not going to beat around o about the bush;

    me lo dijo muy claro he made it very quite clear (to me)
    2 ( indep) ( en exclamaciones de asentimiento) of course
    ■ sustantivo masculino

    (en pelo, barba) bald patch
    b) (Meteo) sunny spell o period

    I adjetivo
    1 (despejado, evidente) clear: tengo muy claro que no va a volver, I'm quite sure she won't come back
    un asunto poco claro, a shady deal
    2 (poco espeso) thin
    3 (color) light
    II sustantivo masculino
    1 (de un bosque) clearing
    2 (entre las nubes) break in the clouds
    3 claro de luna, moonlight
    III adverbio clearly: deberías hablar claro, you must speak clearly
    IV exclamación of course!
    ¡claro que puedo!, of course I can!
    ♦ Locuciones: a las claras, clearly
    dejar algo claro, to make something clear
    lo lleva claro si piensa que voy a tolerarlo, she can be quite sure that i?m not going to put up with it
    sacar algo en claro, to draw a conclusion: después de tanta discusión, no sacamos nada en claro, we were back to square one after hours of discussion
    ' claro' also found in these entries:
    - escarceo
    - estar
    - hombre
    - nebulosa
    - nebuloso
    - nítida
    - nítido
    - notoria
    - notorio
    - patente
    - poca
    - poco
    - precisa
    - preciso
    - pues
    - rondar
    - sacar
    - salvaje
    - agua
    - celeste
    - color
    - constar
    - hablar
    - lavado
    - neto
    - oscuro
    - palpable
    - que
    - quedar
    - visto
    - apparent
    - articulate
    - break
    - broad
    - clean-cut
    - clear
    - clear-cut
    - clearing
    - confusing
    - crystal-clear
    - decided
    - distinct
    - enough
    - fuzzy
    - good
    - ice-blue
    - indistinct
    - let
    - light
    - lucid
    - mousy
    - mud
    - neat
    - obscure
    - outset
    - pale
    - plain
    - precise
    - sharp
    - speak out
    - spell out
    - straight
    - surely
    - tenuous
    - then
    - thin
    - transparently
    - unclear
    - unequivocal
    - why
    - blur
    - by
    - certainly
    - clearly
    - course
    - crystal
    - flash
    - increasingly
    - more
    * * *
    claro, -a
    1. [luminoso] bright;
    una habitación clara a bright o light room
    2. [color] light;
    verde claro light green
    3. [sonido] clear;
    hablaba con una voz clara she spoke in a clear voice
    4. [sin nubes] clear;
    un día/cielo claro a clear day/sky
    5. [diluido] [té, café] weak;
    [salsa, sopa] thin;
    no me gusta el chocolate claro I don't like my hot chocolate thin
    6. [poco tupido] thin, sparse
    7. [persona, explicación, ideas, libro] clear;
    hablaba con un lenguaje claro she spoke in clear terms;
    dejar algo claro to make sth clear;
    poner algo en claro to get sth clear, to clear sth up;
    que quede (bien) claro que no fue idea mía I want to make it (quite) clear that it wasn't my idea;
    sacar algo en claro (de) to make sth out (from);
    después de escuchar su explicación no saqué nada en claro after listening to her explanation, I was none the wiser;
    tengo claro que no puedo contar con él one thing I'm quite sure about is that I can't rely on him, one thing's for sure, I can't rely on him;
    verlo claro [estar seguro] to be sure;
    pasar una noche en claro to have a sleepless night;
    Esp Fam
    llevarlo o [m5]tenerlo claro: ¡lo lleva o [m5] tiene claro si piensa que le vamos a ayudar! if he thinks we're going to help him, he can think again!;
    si no vienen ellos, lo tenemos claro if they don't come, we've had it
    8. [obvio, evidente] clear;
    el resultado fue claro the result was clear;
    ¿está claro? is that clear?;
    está claro que van a ganar it's clear they're going to win;
    está claro que te quieren engañar it's obvious that they are trying to deceive you, they are obviously trying to deceive you;
    está claro o [m5]claro está que si no quieres, no estás obligado a participar of course o obviously, you're not obliged to participate if you don't want to;
    a no ser, claro, que tengas una idea mejor unless, of course, you have a better idea;
    está más claro que el agua it's perfectly o crystal clear;
    allí no vuelvo, eso está más claro que el agua I'm not going there again, that's for certain
    1. [en bosque] clearing;
    [en multitud] space, gap;
    vi un claro en la fila I saw a gap in the row
    2. [en cielo nublado] break in the clouds;
    se esperan nubes y claros it will be cloudy with some bright spells;
    en cuanto haya un claro salimos we'll go out as soon as it brightens up
    3. [calvicie, calva] bald patch
    4. [en pintura] highlight
    5. Arquit skylight
    6. claro de luna moonlight
    hablar claro to speak clearly;
    dilo claro, ¿te interesa o no? tell me straight, are you interested or not?;
    ¡claro! of course!;
    ¡claro que sí!, ¡pues claro! of course!;
    ¡claro que no! of course not!;
    ¡claro que me gusta! of course I like it!;
    ¿me ayudarás? – claro, no pensaba en otra cosa will you help me? – oh sure, I wouldn't dream of doing anything else;
    ve tú primero – claro, así si hay algún agujero me caigo yo you go first – oh great o thanks a lot, that way if there's a hole I'll be the one to fall into it;
    claro, con un jugador más ya se puede of course, with an extra player it's hardly surprising;
    la obra no tuvo éxito, claro que conociendo al director no me sorprende the play wasn't a success, but then again that's hardly surprising knowing the director
    a las claras loc adv
    * * *
    I adj
    poner en claro make clear;
    dejar claro make plain;
    quedar claro be clear;
    tener algo claro be sure o clear about sth;
    pasar la noche en claro lie awake all night, not sleep a wink;
    a las claras clearly
    2 color light
    3 ( luminoso) bright
    4 salsa thin
    II adv
    hablar claro speak plainly;
    ¡claro! of course!;
    claro está of course
    III m
    1 METEO clear spell
    2 en bosque clearing
    * * *
    claro adv
    1) : clearly
    habla más claro: speak more clearly
    2) : of course, surely
    ¡claro!, ¡claro que sí!: absolutely!, of course!
    claro que entendió: of course she understood
    claro, -ra adj
    1) : bright, clear
    2) : pale, fair, light
    3) : clear, evident
    claro nm
    1) : clearing
    claro de luna : moonlight
    * * *
    claro1 adj
    1. (en general) clear
    2. (luminoso) bright
    3. (color) light
    claro2 adv clearly
    claro3 interj of course
    claro4 n (en meteorología) sunny interval

    Spanish-English dictionary > claro

  • 4 call

    1. intransitive verb
    1) (shout) rufen

    call [out] for help — um Hilfe rufen

    call [out] for somebody — nach jemandem rufen

    2) (pay brief visit) [kurz] besuchen (at Akk.); vorbeikommen (ugs.) (at bei); [Zug:] halten (at in + Dat.)

    call at a port/station — einen Hafen anlaufen/an einem Bahnhof halten

    call on somebody — jemanden besuchen; bei jemandem vorbeigehen (ugs.)

    the postman called to deliver a parcelder Postbote war da und brachte ein Päckchen

    who is calling, please? — wer spricht da, bitte?

    thank you for calling — vielen Dank für Ihren Anruf!; (broadcast)

    2. transitive verb
    1) (cry out) rufen; aufrufen [Namen, Nummer]
    2) (cry to) rufen [Person]
    3) (summon) rufen; (to a duty, to do something) aufrufen

    call somebody's bluffes darauf ankommen lassen (ugs.)

    please call me a taxi or call a taxi for me — bitte rufen Sie mir ein Taxi

    4) (radio/telephone) rufen/anrufen; (initially) Kontakt aufnehmen mit

    don't call us, we'll call you — wir sagen Ihnen Bescheid

    5) (rouse) wecken
    6) (announce) einberufen [Konferenz]; ausrufen [Streik]

    call a halt to somethingmit etwas Schluss machen

    call time(in pub) ≈ "Feierabend" rufen

    7) (name) nennen

    he is called Bober heißt Bob

    8) (consider) nennen
    9) (Cards etc.) ansagen
    3. noun
    1) (shout, cry) Ruf, der

    remain/be within call — in Rufweite bleiben/sein

    2) (of bugle, whistle) Signal, das
    3) (visit) Besuch, der

    make or pay a call on somebody, make or pay somebody a call — jemanden besuchen

    have to pay a call(coll.): (need lavatory) mal [verschwinden] müssen (ugs.)

    4) (telephone call) Anruf, der; Gespräch, das
    5) (invitation, summons) Aufruf, der

    the call of the sea/the wild — der Ruf des Meeres/der Wildnis

    6) (need, occasion) Anlass, der; Veranlassung, die
    7) (esp. Comm.): (demand) Abruf, der

    have many calls on one's purse/time — finanziell/zeitlich sehr in Anspruch genommen sein

    8) (Cards etc.) Ansage, die

    it's your calldu musst ansagen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/10288/call_away">call away
    * * *
    [ko:l] 1. verb
    1) (to give a name to: My name is Alexander but I'm called Sandy by my friends) rufen
    2) (to regard (something) as: I saw you turn that card over - I call that cheating.) bezeichnen als
    3) (to speak loudly (to someone) to attract attention etc: Call everyone over here; She called louder so as to get his attention.) rufen
    4) (to summon; to ask( someone) to come( by letter, telephone etc): They called him for an interview for the job; He called a doctor.) anfragen, kommen lassen
    5) (to make a visit: I shall call at your house this evening; You were out when I called.) kurz besuchen
    6) (to telephone: I'll call you at 6 p.m.) anrufen
    7) ((in card games) to bid.) die Farbe ansagen
    2. noun
    1) (an exclamation or shout: a call for help.) der Ruf
    2) (the song of a bird: the call of a blackbird.) der Lockruf
    3) (a (usually short) visit: The teacher made a call on the boy's parents.) der kurze Besuch
    4) (the act of calling on the telephone: I've just had a call from the police.) der Anruf
    5) ((usually with the) attraction: the call of the sea.) der Ruf
    6) (a demand: There's less call for coachmen nowadays.) die Nachfrage
    7) (a need or reason: You've no call to say such things!)
    - caller
    - calling
    - call-box
    - call for
    - call off
    - call on
    - call up
    - give someone a call
    - give a call
    - on call
    * * *
    [kɔ:l, AM esp kɑ:l]
    I. NOUN
    1. (on the telephone) Telefonat nt, [Telefon]anruf m, [Telefon]gespräch nt
    were there any \calls for me? hat jemand für mich angerufen?
    international/local \call Auslands-/Ortsgespräch nt
    official/private \call Dienst-/Privatgespräch nt
    to give sb a \call jdn anrufen
    to make a \call telefonieren
    to receive a \call einen Anruf erhalten, angerufen werden
    the radio station received a lot of \calls bei dem Radiosender gingen viele Anrufe ein
    to return a \call zurückrufen
    to return sb's \call jdn zurückrufen
    to take a \call ein Gespräch annehmen [o entgegennehmen
    2. (visit) Besuch m; of a doctor, nurse Hausbesuch m; NAUT
    port of \call Anlaufhafen m
    sales \call Vertreterbesuch m
    to make \calls Hausbesuche machen
    to pay a \call on sb bei jdm vorbeischauen fam
    3. (request to come)
    to be on \call Bereitschaft [o Bereitschaftsdienst] haben
    to receive a \call firemen, police zu einem Einsatz gerufen werden; doctor, nurse zu einem Hausbesuch gerufen werden
    4. (shout) Ruf m; of an animal Ruf m, Schrei m; (to attract) Lockruf m
    the whale has a very distinctive \call Wale geben ganz charakteristische Laute von sich
    duck \call Entenlockpfeife f, Entenlocke f fachspr
    a \call for help ein Hilferuf m
    to give sb a \call jdn rufen
    within \call in Rufweite [o Hörweite
    5. no pl (appeal)
    the \call of the desert/sea/wild der Ruf der Wüste/See/Wildnis
    to answer the \call of nature ( hum) mal kurz verschwinden euph fam
    6. no pl (vocation) Berufung f
    to answer the \call seiner Berufung folgen
    to feel [or have] the \call to do sth sich akk [dazu] berufen fühlen, etw zu tun
    to feel the \call to join the ministry sich akk zum Priesteramt berufen fühlen
    to give sb a [morning] \call jdn [morgens] wecken
    8. (request, desire) Forderung f ( for nach + dat)
    9. no pl ECON (demand) Nachfrage f ( for nach + dat)
    there's not much \call for fur coats these days Pelzmäntel sind zurzeit nicht sehr gefragt
    to have many \calls on one's time zeitlich sehr beansprucht sein
    10. no pl ( form or also hum: need) Veranlassung f, Grund m
    there was no \call to shout es war nicht nötig zu schreien
    there's no \call for you to use that language! du brauchst gar nicht so derb zu werden!
    what \call is there for you to get annoyed? warum ärgern Sie sich?
    to have no \call for sth keinen Grund für etw akk haben
    11. (summoning) also COMM, ECON, THEAT Aufruf m ( for zu + dat)
    there are already \calls for a strike in the mining industry im Bergbau wird bereits zum Streik aufgerufen
    \call for bids ECON öffentliche Ausschreibung
    12. HUNT (on the horn) Signal nt
    13. COMPUT [Programm]aufruf m
    14. STOCKEX (demand for payment) Aufruf m, Einzahlungsaufforderung f, Zahlungsaufforderung f; (option to buy) Kaufoption f, Vorprämie f fachspr
    \call option Kaufoption f
    \call price Rücknahmekurs m
    \call purchase [or sale] Erwerb m einer Kaufoption
    \call rule Schlusskurs m
    \call for funds Einforderung f von Geldern
    \call for payment Einforderung f
    \call for subscribed capital Einzahlungsaufforderung f
    \call on shares Aufforderung f zur Einzahlung auf Aktien fachspr
    to exercise one's \call seine Kaufoption ausüben
    at \call auf Abruf, sofort fällig
    money at [or on] \call Tagesgeld nt
    15. (judgement, decision) Entscheidung f; SPORT [Schiedsrichter]entscheidung f
    it's your call ( fam) das ist deine Entscheidung [o entscheidest du]
    we had a hard \call to make wir mussten eine schwierige Entscheidung treffen
    to be a judgement \call AM eine Frage der Beurteilung sein
    16. LAW (admission of barrister) Zulassung f
    he is ten years' \call er ist seit zehn Jahren [als Anwalt] zugelassen
    to be at sb's beck and \call ( fam) jdm jederzeit zu Diensten stehen
    I've got him at my beck and \call er tanzt völlig nach meiner Pfeife
    to \call sb (on the telephone) jdn anrufen; (by radio) jdn rufen
    don't \call us, we'll \call you wir melden uns bei Ihnen
    to \call sb collect AM jdn per R-Gespräch anrufen
    to \call sth/sb sth:
    they've \called their daughter Katherine sie haben ihre Tochter Katherine genannt
    what's that actor \called again? wie heißt dieser Schauspieler nochmal?
    what's that \called in Spanish? wie heißt [o nennt man] das auf Spanisch?
    what do you call this new dance? wie heißt dieser neue Tanz?
    no one \calls him by his real name niemand nennt ihn bei seinem richtigen Namen
    she's \called by her second name, Jane sie wird mit ihrem zweiten Namen Jane gerufen
    to \call sb names jdn beschimpfen
    3. (regard, describe as)
    to \call sth/sb sth:
    you \call this a meal? das nennst du ein Essen?
    he got off with a fine, and they \call that justice! er kam mit einer Geldstrafe davon, und so etwas nennt sich [dann] Gerechtigkeit!
    I'm not \calling you a liar ich sage [o behaupte] nicht, dass du lügst
    don't \call me stupid! nenn mich nicht Dummkopf!
    I can't remember exactly but let's \call it £10 ich weiß es nicht mehr genau, aber sagen wir mal 10 Pfund
    to \call sb a close friend jdn als guten Freund/gute Freundin bezeichnen
    to \call sth etw rufen
    to \call sth at [or to] sb jdm etw zurufen
    I \called at [or to] him not to be late ich rief ihm zu, er solle nicht zu spät kommen
    to \call insults at sb jdn lautstark beschimpfen
    5. (read aloud)
    to \call a list eine Liste verlesen
    to call a name/number einen Namen/eine Nummer aufrufen [o verlesen]
    to \call the roll die Anwesenheitsliste durchgehen
    to \call sb jdn rufen
    please wait over there until I \call you warten Sie bitte dort drüben, bis ich Sie aufrufe
    I was \called to an emergency meeting ich wurde zu einer dringenden Sitzung gerufen
    to \call sb to dinner jdn zum Abendessen rufen
    to \call a doctor/a taxi einen Arzt/ein Taxi kommen lassen
    to \call an expert einen Sachverständigen beiziehen
    to \call sb to order (ask for quiet) jdn um Ruhe bitten; (reprimand) jdn zur Ordnung rufen
    to \call sb into a room jdn in ein Zimmer bitten; (rudely) jdn in ein Zimmer beordern
    7. (bring)
    to \call sb's attention to sth jds Aufmerksamkeit auf etw akk lenken
    to \call sth into being etw ins Leben rufen
    to \call attention to oneself auf sich akk aufmerksam machen
    to \call sth to mind (recall) sich dat etw ins Gedächtnis zurückrufen; (remember) sich akk an etw akk erinnern
    to \call sth into play etw ins Spiel bringen; (get under way) etw in die Wege leiten
    to \call sth into question etw infrage stellen
    8. (summon to office)
    to \call sb jdn berufen; (by God)
    to be \called [to do sth] ausersehen [o auserwählt] sein [etw zu tun]
    to be \called to an office auf einen Posten [o in ein Amt] berufen werden
    9. (wake)
    to \call sb jdn wecken
    10. (give orders for)
    to \call an election Wahlen ansetzen [o geh anberaumen]
    to \call a halt to a development/to fighting ( form) einer Entwicklung/kämpferischen Auseinandersetzungen Einhalt gebieten geh
    they had to \call a halt to the match because of the heavy rain wegen des starken Regens musste das Spiel abgebrochen werden
    to \call a meeting eine Versammlung einberufen
    to \call a strike einen Streik ausrufen
    11. AM ( fam: challenge)
    to \call sb on sth jdn auf etw akk ansprechen; (show disapproval) jdn wegen einer S. gen zur Rede stellen
    12. SPORT
    to \call a ball (in baseball) einen Ball geben
    to \call a ball/pocket/shot AM (in billiards, pool) eine Kugel/ein Loch/einen Stoß anmelden
    to \call the game AM das Spiel abbrechen
    to \call a shot a goal ein Tor geben
    to \call a loan/mortgage die Ablösung eines Darlehens/einer Hypothek fordern
    14. LAW
    to \call sb to the bar BRIT jdn als Anwalt zulassen
    to \call a case eine Sache [bei Gericht] aufrufen
    to \call the jury die Geschworenen berufen
    to \call a witness einen Zeugen/eine Zeugin aufrufen
    to \call sb as a witness jdn als Zeugen benennen [o vorladen
    to \call sb's bluff (ask to prove sth) jdn beim Wort nehmen; (challenge to do sth) jdn auf die Probe stellen
    to \call it a day ( fam) Schluss machen
    let's \call it a day! Schluss für heute!
    to \call sth one's own etw sein Eigen nennen geh
    to \call it quits ( fam) es gut sein lassen
    to \call one's shot AM die Karten aufdecken fig
    to \call [all] the shots, to \call the tune ( fam) das Sagen haben
    to \call a spade a spade ( usu hum fam) das Kind beim Namen nennen fig fam
    1. (telephone) anrufen
    who's \calling, please? wer ist am Apparat?
    I've been \calling all morning ich habe den ganzen Vormittag herumtelefoniert
    to \call collect AM ein R-Gespräch führen
    2. (drop by) vorbeischauen fam
    the doctor \called and gave me an injection der Arzt war da und hat mir eine Spritze gegeben
    3. (shout) rufen; animal, bird schreien
    to \call to sb jdm zurufen
    to \call to sb nach jdm rufen
    5. ECON, FIN einen Kredit kündigen
    * * *
    abbr computergestütztes Sprachlernen
    * * *
    call [kɔːl]
    A s
    1. Ruf m (auch Tennis: eines Linienrichters), Schrei m ( beide:
    for nach):
    call for help Hilferuf;
    within call in Rufweite;
    they came at my call sie kamen auf mein Rufen hin;
    the doctor had a call this morning der Arzt wurde heute Morgen zu einem Patienten gerufen
    2. (Lock)Ruf m (eines Tieres)
    3. fig Lockung f, Ruf m:
    that’s the call of nature das ist etwas ganz Natürliches;
    he felt a call of nature euph hum er verspürte ein menschliches Rühren;
    he answered the call of nature euph hum er verrichtete sein Geschäft;
    answer ( oder obey) the call of duty der Pflicht gehorchen
    4. Signal n:
    call to quarters MIL US Zapfenstreich m
    5. fig Berufung f, Mission f
    6. Ruf m, Berufung f (to auf einen Lehrstuhl, an eine Universität, in ein Amt): bar A 19
    7. Aufruf m (auch für einen Flug und Computer) ( for an akk; to do zu zu tun), Aufforderung f, Befehl m:
    make a call for sth zu etwas aufrufen;
    make a call on eine Aufforderung richten an (akk);
    call to arms MIL Einberufung f;
    last call! US (in einer Bar etc) die letzten Bestellungen!, (etwa) Polizeistunde!; order A 7, restraint 3
    8. THEAT Herausruf m, Vorhang m:
    he had many calls er bekam viele Vorhänge
    9. (kurzer) Besuch (on sb, at sb’s [house] bei jemandem; at the hospital im Krankenhaus):
    make a call einen Besuch machen (auch Arzt);
    make ( oder pay) a call on sb jemanden besuchen, jemandem einen Besuch abstatten;
    mailman’s (bes Br postman’s) call (das) Eintreffen der Post
    10. SCHIFF Anlaufen n (eines Hafens), FLUG Anfliegen n (eines Flughafens):
    make a call at a port einen Hafen anlaufen; port1 1
    11. neg.
    a) Veranlassung f, Grund m:
    there is no call for you to worry du brauchst dir keine Sorgen zu machen
    b) Recht n, Befugnis f:
    he had no call to do that er war nicht befugt, das zu tun
    12. Inanspruchnahme f:
    make many calls on sb’s time jemandes Zeit oft in Anspruch nehmen
    13. roll call
    14. TEL Anruf m, Gespräch n:
    be on call telefonisch erreichbar sein;
    were there any calls for me? hat jemand für mich angerufen?;
    give sb a call jemanden anrufen;
    I had three calls ich wurde dreimal angerufen;
    make a call ein Gespräch führen, telefonieren;
    can I make a call? kann ich mal telefonieren?;
    I have a quick (an urgent) call to make ich muss schnell mal (dringend) telefonieren
    a) Ansage f
    b) Poker: Aufforderung f, seine Karten auf den Tisch zu legen
    16. WIRTSCH
    a) Zahlungsaufforderung f
    b) Abruf m (auch allg), Kündigung f (von Geldern):
    at ( oder on) call auf Abruf (bereitstehend), auf tägliche Kündigung;
    money at call tägliches Geld, Tagesgeld n;
    be on call Dienstbereitschaft haben (Arzt etc)
    c) Einlösungsaufforderung f (auf Schuldverschreibungen)
    d) Nachfrage f ( for nach)
    17. Börse: Kaufoption f, Vorprämie f:
    have the first call fig den Vorrang haben
    18. SPORT
    a) Entscheidung f (des Schiedsrichters)
    b) Pfiff m (des Schiedsrichters)
    B v/t
    1. jemanden (herbei)rufen, die Feuerwehr etc rufen, einen Arzt, ein Auto etc kommen lassen:
    call sth after (to) sb jemandem etwas nachrufen (zurufen);
    call to arms zu den Waffen rufen; attention 1, being 1, etc
    2. zu einem Streik etc aufrufen
    3. befehlen, anordnen: halt1 A 1
    4. eine Versammlung, Pressekonferenz etc einberufen, anberaumen
    5. jemanden wecken:
    please call me at 7 o’clock
    6. Tiere (an)locken
    7. TEL jemanden anrufen (on unter einer Nummer)
    8. Namen etc verlesen: roll A 2
    9. a) JUR eine Streitsache, Zeugen aufrufen
    b) IT ein Programm aufrufen
    10. WIRTSCH eine Schuldverschreibung etc einfordern, kündigen
    11. jemanden berufen (to A 6): bar A 19
    12. jemanden oder etwas rufen, nennen:
    be called heißen, genannt werden ( beide:
    after nach);
    a man called Smith ein Mann namens Smith;
    call sth one’s own etwas sein Eigen nennen;
    call a thing by its name eine Sache beim richtigen Namen nennen; spade1 A 1
    13. (be)nennen, bezeichnen (als):
    what do you call this? wie heißt oder nennt man das?;
    call it what you will wie auch immer man es nennen will
    14. nennen, finden, heißen, halten für:
    15. jemanden etwas schimpfen, heißen, schelten:
    16. Kartenspiel: eine Farbe ansagen:
    call sb’s hand (Poker) jemanden auffordern, seine Karten auf den Tisch zu legen
    17. SPORT ein Foul etc pfeifen (Schiedsrichter):
    the umpire called the ball out (Tennis) der Schiedsrichter gab den Ball aus
    C v/i
    1. rufen:
    did you call? hast du gerufen?
    2. auch fig rufen, schreien, dringend verlangen ( alle:
    for nach):
    call for help um Hilfe rufen:
    the situation calls for courage die Lage erfordert Mut;
    that calls for a drink das muss begossen werden;
    duty calls die Pflicht ruft;
    nature called euph hum er etc verspürte ein menschliches Rühren;
    not called for unnötig; head Bes Redew
    3. vorsprechen, einen (kurzen) Besuch machen ( beide:
    on sb, at sb’s [house] bei jemandem;
    at the hospital im Krankenhaus):
    call on sb jemanden besuchen, jemandem einen Besuch abstatten;
    has he called yet? ist er schon da gewesen?;
    a) etwas anfordern, bestellen,
    b) jemanden, etwas abholen;
    “to be called for” „postlagernd“; leave1 A 3
    a) SCHIFF anlegen in (dat):
    call at a port einen Hafen anlaufen
    b) BAHN halten in (dat)
    c) FLUG einen Flughafen anfliegen
    5. call (up)on
    a) sich wenden an (akk)( for sth um etwas oder wegen einer Sache), appellieren an (akk) ( to do zu tun):
    be called upon to do sth aufgefordert sein, etwas zu tun;
    I feel called upon ich fühle mich genötigt ( to do zu tun)
    b) jemanden bitten ( to do zu tun)
    6. anrufen, telefonieren:
    who is calling? mit wem spreche ich?
    * * *
    1. intransitive verb
    1) (shout) rufen

    call [out] for help — um Hilfe rufen

    call [out] for somebody — nach jemandem rufen

    2) (pay brief visit) [kurz] besuchen (at Akk.); vorbeikommen (ugs.) (at bei); [Zug:] halten (at in + Dat.)

    call at a port/station — einen Hafen anlaufen/an einem Bahnhof halten

    call on somebody — jemanden besuchen; bei jemandem vorbeigehen (ugs.)

    who is calling, please? — wer spricht da, bitte?

    thank you for calling — vielen Dank für Ihren Anruf!; (broadcast)

    2. transitive verb
    1) (cry out) rufen; aufrufen [Namen, Nummer]
    2) (cry to) rufen [Person]
    3) (summon) rufen; (to a duty, to do something) aufrufen

    please call me a taxi or call a taxi for me — bitte rufen Sie mir ein Taxi

    4) (radio/telephone) rufen/anrufen; (initially) Kontakt aufnehmen mit

    don't call us, we'll call you — wir sagen Ihnen Bescheid

    5) (rouse) wecken
    6) (announce) einberufen [Konferenz]; ausrufen [Streik]

    call time (in pub) ≈ "Feierabend" rufen

    7) (name) nennen
    8) (consider) nennen
    9) (Cards etc.) ansagen
    3. noun
    1) (shout, cry) Ruf, der

    remain/be within call — in Rufweite bleiben/sein

    2) (of bugle, whistle) Signal, das
    3) (visit) Besuch, der

    make or pay a call on somebody, make or pay somebody a call — jemanden besuchen

    have to pay a call(coll.): (need lavatory) mal [verschwinden] müssen (ugs.)

    4) (telephone call) Anruf, der; Gespräch, das
    5) (invitation, summons) Aufruf, der

    the call of the sea/the wild — der Ruf des Meeres/der Wildnis

    6) (need, occasion) Anlass, der; Veranlassung, die
    7) (esp. Comm.): (demand) Abruf, der

    have many calls on one's purse/time — finanziell/zeitlich sehr in Anspruch genommen sein

    8) (Cards etc.) Ansage, die
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    Anruf -e m.
    Aufruf -e m.
    Ruf -e m. (US) v.
    anklingeln v.
    anrufen (Telefon) v.
    telefonieren v. (give a name to) v.
    heißen v.
    (§ p.,pp.: hieß, geheißen) v.
    holen v.
    rufen v.
    (§ p.,pp.: rief, gerufen)

    English-german dictionary > call

  • 5 ♦ call

    ♦ call /kɔ:l/
    1 grido; invocazione; richiamo; chiamata; voce: a call for help, un grido (o un'invocazione) di aiuto; the call of the sea, il richiamo del mare; Give me a call when you're ready, chiamami (o dammi una voce) quando sei pronto; This is the last call for Flight Z 87, ultima chiamata per il volo Z 87; (teatr.) This is your five minute call, in scena tra cinque minuti
    2 ( di uccello) verso; grido; richiamo
    3 appello; invito: a call for action, un invito ad agire; a call for order, un invito all'ordine; a call to strike, un appello allo sciopero; a call to free the hostages, un appello per la liberazione degli ostaggi; to put out a call for st., diramare un appello per qc.
    4 richiesta; domanda: a call for reforms [for a pay rise], una richiesta di riforme [di aumento salariale]; (fin.) call for funds, richiesta di fondi; There is little call for this kind of article, c'è poca richiesta per un simile articolo
    5 telefonata; chiamata: telephone call, chiamata telefonica; telefonata; to make a call, fare una telefonata; DIALOGO → - Showing guest to room- If you want to make external calls, dial 0 for the line, se volete effettuare chiamate esterne, premere 0 per avere la linea; to return sb. 's call, telefonare a q. ( in risposta a una sua telefonata); to take a call, prendere una telefonata; rispondere (al telefono); DIALOGO → - Refusing a call- I don't want to take that call right now, non voglio prendere la chiamata adesso; I have a call for you, c'è una telefonata per te; I got a call from Tom yesterday, ieri mi ha telefonato Tom; I'll give you a call tomorrow, ti chiamo (o ti telefono) domani; local call, chiamata (o telefonata) urbana; hoax call, falso allarme telefonico
    6 ( anche leg.) convocazione; chiamata: a call to the Palace, una convocazione del sovrano; The ambassador received a call to the Foreign Office, l'ambasciatore è stato convocato al Ministero degli Esteri
    7 vocazione; chiamata: his call to be a missionary, la sua vocazione a fare il missionario
    8 (in frasi neg. e interr.) bisogno; motivo: There's no call to shout, non c'è bisogno di gridare (o di alzare la voce); Is there any call for me to worry?, c'è motivo che io mi preoccupi?
    9 visita (spec. ufficiale o professionale); to pay a call on sb., fare visita a q.; The doctor is out on a call, il medico è fuori per una visita; (med.) house call, visita a domicilio
    10 (ferr.) fermata, sosta
    11 (naut.) scalo: port of call, porto di scalo
    12 (mil.) adunata: to sound the call, suonare l'adunata
    13 ( in albergo, ecc.) sveglia: I asked the night porter for a five o'clock call, chiesi al portiere di notte di darmi la sveglia alle cinque
    14 ( caccia) richiamo: a duck call, un richiamo per anatre
    18 ( Borsa) = call option ► sotto
    19 (comput.) chiamata ( a una procedura, ecc.): call instruction, istruzione di chiamata
    20 ( sport) richiamo, segnalazione, fischio ( dell'arbitro); ( anche) decisione dell'arbitro
    21 (a bridge) (turno di) chiamata: Whose call is it?, a chi tocca chiamare?
    call-bell, campanello □ call bird, (uccello da) richiamo □ (GB) call box, cabina telefonica □ call boycallboy □ call centre ( USA call center), call center ( fornitore di servizi, tramite telefono) □ ( banca) call deposit, deposito a richiesta ( non vincolato) □ (telef.) call diverter, commutatore telefonico □ (leg.) call for bids (o for tenders), (bando di) gara d'appalto □ call girl, (ragazza) squillo □ ( USA) call house, casa d'appuntamenti; bordello □ (org. az.) call-in pay, indennità di pronta disponibilità □ ( radio, TV, USA) call-in ( program), programma con telefonate ( del pubblico) in diretta □ (fin.) call letter, lettera di richiamo dei decimi □ ( radio, TV, USA) call letters, = call sign ► sotto □ ( banca) call loan, prestito (rimborsabile) a richiesta ( con il preavviso di 24 ore) □ call money, ( Borsa) denaro investito a brevissima scadenza; ( banca) = call loan ► sopra □ call note, richiamo ( di uccello) □ ( USA) call number, segnatura ( di libro di biblioteca) □ (eufem.) call of nature, bisogno fisiologico □ (leg.) call on guarantor, chiamata in garanzia □ (fin.) call on shares, richiamo dei decimi □ ( Borsa) call option, contratto a premio del compratore (o da pagare); (contratto) dont; opzione di dont (o d'acquisto) □ call-out, chiamata ( di riparatore, ecc.): call-out charge, (diritto di) chiamata □ (GB, antiq.) call-over, appello ( a scuola) □ (fin.) call premium, premio di rimborso (o di richiamo) □ (fin.) call price, prezzo di riscatto □ (fin., Borsa, GB) call rate, tasso di interesse passivo su denaro a richiesta □ ( radio) call sign (o call signal), segnale di chiamata; nominativo □ (leg., in Inghil.) call to the Bar, abilitazione all'esercizio della professione forense □ (mil.) call to quarters, ritirata □ call-up, (mil.) chiamata alle armi, ( di riservisti) richiamo; (i) richiamati (collett.); ( sport) convocazione ( di un giocatore) □ (mil.) call-up papers, cartolina precetto □ calls on one's time, impegni □ above and beyond the call of dutyabove □ at call = on call ► sotto □ to have first call on st., avere diritto per primo a qc. □ (telef.) free call, telefonata gratuita; numero verde □ (naut.) «no calls», «senza scali intermedi» □ on call, a disposizione, reperibile; ( di medico) di servizio, di reperibilità; (fin.: di titolo) pagabile a richiesta; esigibile a vista □ (leg.) on first call, in prima convocazione □ (teatr.) to take a call, essere chiamato alla ribalta □ within call, a portata di voce.
    ♦ (to) call /kɔ:l/
    A v. t.
    1 gridare; dire forte: Joan called my name, Joan ha gridato il mio nome
    2 chiamare (per attirare l'attenzione; per far venire, anche per telefono): I called her but she didn't stop, la chiamai ma lei non si fermò; He called me aside [to the window], mi ha chiamato in disparte [alla finestra]; to call the lift, chiamare l'ascensore; Shall I call you a taxi?, ti chiamo un taxi?; Call the police, chiama la polizia!
    3 telefonare; chiamare: Please call me at 6, telefonami alle 6, per favore
    4 svegliare; chiamare: What time would you like to be called in the morning?, a che ora vuole essere svegliato domani?
    5 convocare; chiamare; citare (leg.): I was called before the committee, sono stato convocato davanti alla commissione; to call a court martial, convocare una corte marziale; to be called to give evidence, essere chiamato a testimoniare; essere citato come testimone
    6 (al passivo) essere chiamato; sentire la vocazione
    7 indire; convocare; proclamare: to call a meeting, indire una riunione; to call an election, indire le elezioni generali; to call a strike, proclamare uno sciopero
    8 dare ( un nome) a; chiamare; mettere ( un nome) a: We're going to call her Lucy, la chiameremo Lucy; What are we going to call the new model?, che nome daremo al nuovo modello?
    9 chiamare (con un dato nome, titolo, ecc.): I was always called by my surname, venivo sempre chiamata per cognome; DIALOGO → - Arriving for a meeting- Please, call me Sheila, la prego, mi chiami Sheila
    10 (al passivo) chiamarsi; avere nome; (rif. a soprannome, ecc.) essere chiamato, essere detto; ( di libro, film, ecc.) intitolarsi, essere intitolato, avere come titolo: What's this thing called?, come si chiama questo?; DIALOGO → - Discussing books 1- What's the book called?, qual è il titolo del libro?; His friend was called Jasper, il suo amico si chiamava Jasper; King John, also called John Lackland, Re Giovanni, detto anche Giovanni Senzaterra
    11 definire; dire; chiamare: I wouldn't call him a close friend, non lo definirei un amico intimo; That's what I call a miracle, io questo lo chiamo (o per me è) un miracolo; She calls herself an artist, si definisce un'artista; dice di essere un'artista
    12 dare a (q. del…): He called me a cheat, mi ha dato dell'imbroglione
    13 ( sport: di arbitro, ecc.) dichiarare: to call the ball in, dichiarare buona la palla
    15 (fin.) richiamare ( un titolo)
    17 (comput.) chiamare ( una procedura, ecc.)
    B v. i.
    1 chiamare: I heard you call, ti ho sentito chiamare; Duty calls!, il dovere chiama!
    2 ( d'uccello, ecc.) emettere il richiamo; chiamare
    3 telefonare; chiamare: I'm calling about your ad, telefono per il suo annuncio; Where was he calling from?, da dove chiamava?; DIALOGO → - On the phone- Who's calling, please?, scusi, chi parla?
    4 andare; venire; passare; far visita; andare a trovare: Has anybody called?, è venuto nessuno?; The nurse called every day, l'infermiera passava tutti i giorni; to call at the bank, passare in banca; to call into the post office, passare all'ufficio postale; We called on our neighbours to see if everything was all right, siamo passati dai vicini per vedere se andava tutto bene
    to call sb. 's attention to st., richiamare l'attenzione di q. su qc. to call the banns, fare le pubblicazioni (matrimoniali) □ to call sb. 's bluffbluff (3) □ (fin.) to call bonds, riscattare obbligazioni □ (leg.) to call a case, chiamare una causa; fissare un'udienza □ (telef., USA) to call collect, fare una telefonata a carico del destinatario □ (aeron., trasp.) to call a flight, annunciare un volo □ to call a halt, dare l'alt; fermare □ to call into being, dar vita a; creare □ to call into play, chiamare in gioco; mettere in moto □ to call into (o in) question, mettere in dubbio □ to call it ( seguito da una cifra), fare…; Let's call it $100, facciamo cento dollari □ (fam.) to call it a day, aver lavorato abbastanza; fare punto (e basta); chiuderla lì: It's getting dark: let's call it a day!, si fa buio: chiudiamola qui; DIALOGO → - In a meeting- I think we'll call it a day there, credo che concluderemo qui □ to call it quits, considerarsi pari; chiudere la faccenda; chiuderla lì; ( anche) farla finita, lasciare tutto, chiudere: Take these ten pounds and let's call it quits, prendi queste dieci sterline e chiudiamola lì □ to call sb. names, insultare q. □ (fam. USA) to call the shots, essere quello che decide, che comanda; comandare □ to call a spade a spade, dire pane al pane; parlare chiaro □ to call to account, chiamare alla resa dei conti; chiedere conto a q. (di qc.) □ to call to arms, chiamare alle armi □ to call to mind, richiamare alla mente (o alla memoria) □ to call to order, richiamare all'ordine □ to call the tune, essere quello che decide, che comanda; comandare; dirigere la musica □ to call st. one's own, dire che qc. ci appartiene: The study was the only place I could call my own, lo studio era l'unico posto che potevo dire (o che fosse) veramente mio □ (leg., in GB) to be called to the Bar, essere ammesso all'esercizio della professione forense □ (leg., in GB) to be called within the Bar, essere nominato ► «King's (o Queen's) Counsel» (► counsel) □ (eufem. fam.) Don't call us, we'll call you, la chiameremo noi; le faremo sapere ( equivalente a una risposta negativa data a un candidato, un postulante, ecc.) □ ( radio) London calling, qui Londra.

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ call

  • 6 call

    [ko:l] 1. verb
    1) (to give a name to: My name is Alexander but I'm called Sandy by my friends) klicati
    2) (to regard (something) as: I saw you turn that card over - I call that cheating.) imenovati
    3) (to speak loudly (to someone) to attract attention etc: Call everyone over here; She called louder so as to get his attention.) poklicati
    4) (to summon; to ask (someone) to come (by letter, telephone etc): They called him for an interview for the job; He called a doctor.) poklicati
    5) (to make a visit: I shall call at your house this evening; You were out when I called.) oglasiti se
    6) (to telephone: I'll call you at 6 p.m.) telefonirati
    7) ((in card games) to bid.) klicati
    2. noun
    1) (an exclamation or shout: a call for help.) klic
    2) (the song of a bird: the call of a blackbird.) ptičje petje
    3) (a (usually short) visit: The teacher made a call on the boy's parents.) (kratek) obisk
    4) (the act of calling on the telephone: I've just had a call from the police.) telefonski klic
    5) ((usually with the) attraction: the call of the sea.) klic
    6) (a demand: There's less call for coachmen nowadays.) povpraševanje
    7) (a need or reason: You've no call to say such things!) potreba, razlog
    - calling
    - call-box
    - call for
    - call off
    - call on
    - call up
    - give someone a call
    - give a call
    - on call
    * * *
    I [kɔ:l]
    transitive verb
    klicati, poklicati; zbuditi, imenovati; smatrati; sklicati; American telefonirati; commerce terjati; American familiarly grajati; Bible zadeti, doleteti;
    intransitive verb
    klicati, vpiti; telefonirati; (on, upon) obiskati, priti; marine (at) pristati; (at) oglasiti se pri, zaviti kam
    to call attention to s.th.opozoriti na kaj
    what age do you call him? — koliko mislite, da je star?
    American colloquially let it call a daynaj bo za danes dovolj
    to call to mind — spomniti, priklicati v spomin
    to call s.o. names(o)zmerjati koga
    to call a spade a spade, to call things by their namesreči bobu bob
    to call to order — posvariti, opomniti
    to call cousins with s.o.sklicevati se na sorodstvo s kom
    to call the roll military poklicati zbor, klicati po imenih
    II [kɔl]
    klic, poziv, sklic; zvočni signal, vabilka za ptiče; (kratek) obisk (on s.o., at a place); prihod ladje v pristanišče; vabilo; poklic; imenovanje; zahteva, prošnja; povod; nalog; telefonski klic; commerce opomin; povpraševanje (po blagu)
    at call — pripravljen izvršiti nalog, na razpolago; blizu, nedaleč
    to have no call to do s.th. — ne imeti povoda, ne čutiti potrebe nekaj storiti
    to have no call on s.o.'s timene imeti pravice koga zadrževati
    to pay ( —ali make) a call (on) — obiskati, oglasiti se
    house of call — zatočišče; borza dela

    English-Slovenian dictionary > call

  • 7 с

    аварийная связь с воздушным судном
    air distress communication
    аварийная ситуация с воздушным судном
    aircraft emergency
    автомобиль с вильчатым подъемником
    агрегат с приводом от двигателя
    engine-driven unit
    амортизатор с большим ходом штока
    long-stroke shock strut
    анализатор с интегрированием по времени
    time-integrating analyser
    антенна с концевым излучателем
    end-fire antenna
    антенна с широким раскрывом
    wide aperture antenna
    аренда воздушного судна вместе с экипажем
    aircraft wet lease
    аэродинамическая труба с закрытой рабочей частью
    closed-throat wind tunnel
    аэродром с бетонным покрытием
    concrete-surfaced aerodrome
    аэродром с жестким покрытием
    rigid pavement aerodrome
    аэродром с командно-диспетчерской службой
    controlled aerodrome
    аэродром с перекрещивающимися ВПП
    X-type aerodrome
    аэродром с твердым покрытием
    hard surface aerodrome
    аэродром с травяным покрытием
    grass aerodrome
    бак с наддувом
    pressurized tank
    билет с несколькими полетными купонами
    multistop ticket
    билет с открытой датой
    open-data ticket
    билет с подтвержденной бронью
    booked ticket
    блок связи автопилота с радиостанцией
    radio-autopilot coupler
    блок связи с курсовой системой
    compass system coupling unit
    блок связи с радиолокационным оборудованием
    radar coupling unit
    блок совмещения радиолокационного изображения с картой
    chart-matching device
    борьба с обледенением
    борьба с пожаром
    1. fire fighting
    2. fire-fighting ведомый с помощью радиолокатора
    вертолет большой грузоподъемности с внешней подвеской
    flying crane helicopter
    вертолет с несколькими несущими винтами
    вертолет с одним несущим винтом
    1. single main rotor helicopter
    2. single-rotor ветер с левым вращением
    veering wind
    ветер с правым вращением
    backing wind
    взлетать с боковым ветром
    takeoff with crosswind
    взлет с боковым ветром
    crosswind takeoff
    взлет с впрыском воды
    wet takeoff
    взлет с использованием влияния земли
    ground effect takeoff
    взлет с крутым набором высоты
    climbing takeoff
    взлет с ограниченной площадки
    spot takeoff
    взлет с ракетным ускорителем
    rocket-assisted takeoff
    взлет с реактивным ускорителем
    jet-assisted takeoff
    включать подачу топлива из бака с помощью электрического крана
    switch to the proper tank
    включать подачу топлива из бока с помощью механического крана
    turn the proper tank on
    воздухозаборник с пусковым регулированием
    controlled-starting intake
    воздухозаборник с регулируемой передней кромкой
    variable lip air intake
    воздухозаборник с фиксированной передней кромкой
    fixed-lip air intake
    воздушное пространство с запретом визуальных полетов
    visual exempted airspace
    воздушное судно с верхним расположением крыла
    high-wing aircraft
    воздушное судно с газотурбинными двигателями
    turbine-engined aircraft
    воздушное судно с двумя двигателями
    twin-engined aircraft
    воздушное судно с двумя и более двигателями
    multiengined aircraft
    воздушное судно с неподвижным крылом
    fixed-wing aircraft
    воздушное судно с несущим винтом
    rotary-wing aircraft
    воздушное судно с несущим фюзеляжем
    lift-fuselage aircraft
    воздушное судно с низким расположением крыла
    low-wing aircraft
    воздушное судно с одним двигателем
    1. single-engined aircraft
    2. one-engined aircraft воздушное судно с одним пилотом
    single-pilot aircraft
    воздушное судно с поршневым двигателем
    piston-engined aircraft
    воздушное судно с треугольным крылом
    delta-wing aircraft
    воздушное судно с турбовинтовыми двигателями
    turboprop aircraft
    воздушное судно с турбореактивными двигателями
    turbojet aircraft
    воздушное судно с убранной механизацией крыла
    clean aircraft
    воздушное судно с удлиненным фюзеляжем
    stretched aircraft
    воздушное судно с узким фюзеляжем
    narrow-body aircraft
    воздушное судно с фюзеляжем типовой схемы
    regular-body aircraft
    воздушное судно с экипажем из нескольких человек
    multicrew aircraft
    воздушные перевозки с большим количеством промежуточных остановок
    multistop service
    воздушный винт с автоматически изменяемым шагом
    automatic pitch propeller
    воздушный винт с автоматической регулировкой
    automatically controllable propeller
    воздушный винт с большим шагом
    high-pitch propeller
    воздушный винт с гидравлическим управлением шага
    hydraulic propeller
    ВПП с гладкой поверхностью
    smooth runway
    ВПП с дерновым покрытием
    sodded runway
    ВПП с жестким покрытием
    rigid pavement runway
    ВПП с искусственным покрытием
    paved runway
    ВПП с мягким покрытием
    soft-surface runway
    ВПП с низким коэффициентом сцепления
    slippery runway
    ВПП с поперечным уклоном
    cross-sloped runway
    ВПП с твердым покрытием
    hard-surface runway
    ВПП с травяным покрытием
    1. grass strip
    2. turf runway вращаться с заеданием
    be stiff to rotate
    временно снимать с эксплуатации
    lay up
    время налета с инструктором
    flying dual instruction time
    в соответствии с техническими условиями
    in conformity with the specifications
    втулка с устройством для флюгирования
    feathering hub
    входное устройство с использованием сжатия воздуха на входе
    internal-compression inlet
    выдерживание курса полета с помощью инерциальной системы
    inertial tracking
    выключатель с нормально замкнутыми контактами
    normally closed switch
    выключатель с нормально разомкнутыми контактами
    normally open switch
    выполнение полетов с помощью радиосредств
    radio fly
    выполнять полеты с аэродрома
    operate from the aerodrome
    выпуск шасси с помощью скоростного напора
    wind-assisted extension
    выруливать с места стоянки
    leave a parking area
    высотомер с кодирующим устройством
    encoding altimeter
    высотомер с сигнализатором
    contacting altimeter
    выходить на курс с левым разворотом
    roll left on the heading
    выходить на курс с правым разворотом
    roll right on the heading
    газотурбинный двигатель с осевым компрессором
    axial-flow итьбю.gas turbine engine
    генератор с приводом от двигателя
    engine-driven generator
    генератор с шунтовой обмоткой
    shunt wound generator
    герметизация фонаря кабины с помощью шланга
    canopy strip seal
    гироскоп с воздушной опорой осей
    air bearing gyroscope
    глушитель с убирающейся сдвижной створкой
    retractable spade silencer
    глушитель с убирающимися ковшами
    retractable lobe silencer
    гроза с градом
    thunderstorm with hail
    гроза с пыльной бурей
    thunderstorm with duststorm
    грузовое воздушное судно с откидной носовой частью
    дальность полета с максимальной загрузкой
    full-load range
    дальность полета с полной коммерческой загрузкой
    commercial range
    данные, полученные с борта
    air-derived data
    двигатель с большим ресурсом
    longer-lived engine
    двигатель с высокой степенью двухконтурности
    high bypass ratio engine
    двигатель с высокой степенью сжатия
    high compression ratio engine
    двигатель с левым вращением ротора
    left-hand engine
    двигатель с низкой степенью двухконтурности
    low bypass ratio engine
    двигатель с пониженной тягой
    derated engine
    двигатель с правым вращением ротора
    right-hand engine
    движение с левым кругом
    left-hand traffic
    движение с правым кругом
    right-hand traffic
    двухконтурный турбореактивный двигатель с дожиганием топлива во втором контуре
    duct burning bypass engine
    дистанционное управление рулями с помощью электроприводов
    диффузор с косым скачком уплотнения
    oblique-shock diffuser
    донесение с борта
    air report
    задерживать рейс с коммерчески оправданными целями
    justify a delay commercially
    задержка вылета с целью стыковки
    закрылок с внешним обдувом
    external blown flap
    закрылок с дополнительным внутренним обдувом
    augmented internal blown flap
    закрылок с отсосом пограничного слоя
    suction flap
    зализ крыла с фюзеляжем
    wing-to-fuselage fillet
    замер с целью определения положения
    spot measurement
    запас устойчивости с застопоренным управлением
    margin with stick fixed
    запуск двигателя с забросом температуры
    engine hot starting
    (выше допустимой) заход на посадку не с прямой
    nonstraight-in approach
    заход на посадку с выпущенными закрылками
    approach with flaps down
    заход на посадку с использованием бортовых и наземных средств
    coupled approach
    заход на посадку с левым разворотом
    left-hand approach
    заход на посадку с непрерывным снижением
    continuous descent approach
    заход на посадку с обратным курсом
    1. back course approach
    2. one-eighty approach заход на посадку с отворотом на расчетный угол
    teardrop approach
    заход на посадку с правым разворотом
    right-hand approach
    заход на посадку с прямой
    straight-in approach
    заход на посадку с прямой по приборам
    straight-in ILS-type approach
    заход на посадку с уменьшением скорости
    decelerating approach
    зона воздушного пространства с особым режимом полета
    airspace restricted area
    избегать столкновения с препятствием
    avoid the obstacle
    импульсный огонь с конденсаторным разрядом
    capacitor discharge light
    индикатор с круговой шкалой
    dial test indicator
    испытание с имитацией аварии
    controlled-crash test
    испытание с наружной подвеской
    store test
    кабина с двойным управлением
    dual cockpit
    канал с общей несущей
    common carrier channel
    карта с навигационной сеткой
    grid map
    квалификационная отметка с ограниченным сроком действия
    expiry-type rating
    ключ с круглой головкой
    ring wrench
    ключ с трещоткой
    ratchet wrench
    компоновка кресел с минимальным шагом
    high-density seating
    конечный удлиненный заход на посадку с прямой
    long final straight-in-approach operation
    конструкция с работающей обшивкой
    stressed-skin structure
    контакт с объектами на земле
    ground contact
    конфигурация с акустической облицовкой
    acoustic lining configuration
    конфигурация с выпущенной механизацией
    out-clean configuration
    конфигурация с выпущенными шасси и механизацией
    dirty configuration
    крен с помощью элеронов
    aileron roll
    кресло с отклоняющейся спинкой
    reclining seat
    крыло с изменяемой площадью
    variable-area wing
    крыло с изменяемым углом установки
    variable-incidence wing
    крыло с механизацией для обеспечения большей подъемной силы
    high-lift devices wing
    крыло с отрицательным углом поперечного ВЭ
    anhedral wing
    крыло с положительным углом поперечного ВЭ
    dihedral wing
    крыло с работающей обшивкой
    stressed-skin wing
    крыло с управляемой циркуляцией
    augmentor wing
    крыло с управляемым пограничным слоем
    backswept boundary layer controlled wing
    летать с брошенным штурвалом
    fly hand off
    летать с выпущенным шасси
    fly a gear down
    летать с убранным шасси
    fly a gear up
    линия при сходе с ВПП
    turnoff curve
    линия пути по схеме с двумя спаренными разворотами
    race track
    лопасть с шарнирной подвеской
    articulated blade
    маршрут вылета с радиолокационным обеспечением
    radar departure route
    маршрут прилета с радиолокационным обеспечением
    radar arrival route
    маршрут с минимальным уровнем шума
    minimum noise route
    маяк с рамочной антенной
    loop beacon
    место стоянки с твердым покрытием
    методика выполнения полета с минимальным шумом
    minimum noise procedure
    механизм реверса с полуцилиндрическими струеотражательными заслонками
    semicylindrical target-type reverser
    модуль с быстроразъемным соединением
    plug-in module
    моноплан с высокорасположенным крылом
    high-wing monoplane
    моноплан с низко расположенным крылом
    low-wing monoplane
    муфта сцепления двигателя с несущим винтом вертолета
    rotor clutch assembly
    наблюдение с борта воздушного судна
    aircraft observation
    наблюдение с воздуха
    1. air survey
    2. aerial inspection набор высоты с убранными закрылками
    flap-up climb
    набор высоты с ускорением
    acceleration climb
    навигационная система с графическим отображением
    pictorial navigation system
    (информации) небольшой привязной аэростат с тканевым оперением
    необратимое управление с помощью гидроусилителей
    power-operated control
    нерегулируемое сопло с центральным телом
    fixed plug nozzle
    несущий винт с приводом от двигателя
    power-driven rotor
    несущий винт с шарнирно закрепленными лопастями
    articulated rotor
    облачность с разрывами
    broken sky
    обратимое управление с помощью гидроусилителей
    power-boost control
    опасно при соприкосновении с водой
    danger if wet
    опасность столкновения с птицами
    bird strike hazard
    опознавать аэродром с воздуха
    identify the aerodrome from the air
    опора с масляным амортизатором
    oleo leg
    определение местоположения с помощью радиосредства
    radio fixing
    определять местоположение с воздуха
    indicate the location from the air
    опрыскивание сельскохозяйственных культур с воздуха
    aerial crop spraying
    опыление с воздуха
    aerial dusting
    остановка с коммерческими целями
    1. traffic stop
    2. revenue stop остановка с некоммерческими целями
    1. nontraffic stop
    2. stopping for nontraffic purpose открытый текст с сокращениями
    abbreviated plain language
    парашют с не полностью раскрывшимся куполом
    патрулирование линий электропередач с воздуха
    power patrol operation
    пеленг с учетом направления ветра
    wind relative bearing
    перевозка с оплатой в кредит
    collect transportation
    перевозка с предварительной оплатой
    prepaid transportation
    перевозки с обеспечением
    interline traffic
    передача с земли
    ground transmission
    переходить на управление с помощью автопилота
    switch to the autopilot
    перрон с искусственным покрытием
    paved apron
    пилотировать с помощью автоматического управления
    fly automatically
    пилотировать с помощью штурвального управления
    fly manually
    план полета, переданный с борта
    air-filed flight plan
    пневматическая шина с армированным протектором
    tread-reinforced tire
    погрузчик с двумя платформами
    double-deck loader
    подхожу к четвертому с левым разворотом
    on the left base leg
    поиск с воздуха
    air search
    покрышка с насечкой
    ribbed tire
    полет в связи с особыми обстоятельствами
    special event flight
    полет для выполнения наблюдений с воздуха
    1. aerial survey flight
    2. aerial survey operation полет для контроля состояния посевов с воздуха
    crop control operation
    полет для ознакомления с местностью
    orientation flight
    полет по сигналам с земли
    directed reference flight
    полет с боковым ветром
    cross-wind flight
    полет с визуальной ориентировкой
    visual contact flight
    полет с выключенным двигателем
    engine-off flight
    полет с выключенными двигателями
    power-off flight
    полет с дозаправкой топлива в воздухе
    refuelling flight
    полет с инструктором
    1. dual operation
    2. dual flight полет с креном
    banked flight
    полет с набором высоты
    1. nose-up flying
    2. climbing flight полет с несимметричной тягой двигателей
    asymmetric flight
    полет с обычным взлетом и посадкой
    conventional flight
    полет с отклонением
    diverted flight
    полет с парированием сноса
    crabbing flight
    полет с пересечением границ
    border-crossing flight
    полет с помощью радионавигационных средств
    radio navigation flight
    полет с попутным ветром
    tailwind flight
    полет с посадкой
    entire journey
    полет с постоянным курсом
    single-heading flight
    полет с промежуточной остановкой
    one-stop flight
    полет с работающим двигателем
    engine-on flight
    полет с работающими двигателями
    1. power-on flight
    2. powered flight полет с сопровождающим
    chased flight
    полет с убранными закрылками
    flapless flight
    полет с уменьшением скорости
    decelerating flight
    полет с ускорением
    accelerated flight
    полет с целью перебазирования
    positioning flight
    полет с целью установления координат объекта поиска
    aerial spotting operation
    полет с частного воздушного судна
    private flight
    полеты с использованием радиомаяков
    radio-range fly
    положение с высоко поднятой носовой частью фюзеляжа
    high nose-up attitude
    получать информацию с помощью регистратора
    obtain from recorder
    порыв ветра с дождем
    посадка по командам с земли
    1. ground-controlled landing
    2. talk-down landing посадка с автоматическим выравниванием
    autoflare landing
    посадка с асимметричной тягой
    asymmetric thrust landing
    посадка с боковым сносом
    lateral drift landing
    посадка с визуальной ориентировкой
    contact landing
    посадка с выкатыванием
    overshooting landing
    посадка с выполнением полного круга захода
    full-circle landing
    посадка с выпущенным шасси
    1. wheels-down landing
    2. gear-down landing посадка с использованием реверса тяги
    reverse-thrust landing
    посадка с коротким пробегом
    short landing
    посадка с немедленным взлетом после касания
    touch-and-go landing
    посадка с неработающим воздушным винтом
    dead-stick landing
    посадка с отказавшим двигателем
    1. dead-engine landing
    2. engine-out landing посадка с парашютированием
    pancake landing
    посадка с повторным ударом после касания ВПП
    rebound landing
    посадка с полной остановкой
    full-stop landing
    посадка с помощью ручного управления
    посадка с превышением допустимой посадочной массы
    overweight landing
    посадка с прямой
    straight-in landing
    посадка с работающим двигателем
    power-on landing
    посадка с убранными закрылками
    flapless landing
    посадка с убранным шасси
    1. wheels-up landing
    2. belly landing 3. fear-up landing посадка с упреждением сноса
    trend-type landing
    посадка с частично выпущенными закрылками
    partial flap landing
    посадка с этапа планирования
    glide landing
    посадочная площадка с естественным покрытием
    natural airfield
    посадочная площадка с искусственным покрытием
    surfaced airfield
    посадочная площадка с травяным покрытием
    1. turf airfield
    2. grass airfield 3. grass landing area пояс с уголком
    angle cap
    предкрылок с гидроприводом
    hydraulic slat
    происшествие с воздушным судном
    accident to an aircraft
    происшествие, связанное с перевозкой опасных грузов
    dangerous goods occurrence
    прокладка маршрута с помощью бортовых средств навигации
    aircraft self routing
    противопожарное патрулирование с воздуха
    fire control operation
    прыгать с парашютом
    jump with parachute
    прыжки с парашютом
    parachute jumping
    радиолокатор с большой разрешающей способностью
    fine grain radar
    радиолокатор с импульсной модуляцией
    pulse-modulated radar
    радиолокатор с остронаправленным лучом
    pencil beam radar
    радиолокационное наблюдение с помощью зонда
    radarsonde observation
    разворот с внутренним скольжением
    slipping turn
    разворот с креном
    banked turn
    разворот с креном к центру разворота
    inside turn
    разворот с креном от центра разворота
    outside turn
    разворот с набором высоты
    climbing turn
    разворот с наружным скольжением
    skidding turn
    разворот с помощью элеронов
    bank with ailerons
    разворот с упреждением
    lead-type turn
    разворот с целью опознавания
    identifying turn
    разрешение на заход на посадку с прямой
    clearance for straight-in approach
    распространять с помощью телетайпа
    disseminate by teletypewriter
    расходы, связанные с посадкой для стыковки рейсов
    layover expenses
    реактивное воздушное судно с низким расходом топлива
    economical-to-operate jetliner
    реактивное сопло с центральным телом
    plug jet nozzle
    редуктор с неподвижным венцом
    stationary ring gear
    режим работы с полной нагрузкой
    full-load conditions
    рейс с гражданского воздушного судна
    civil flight
    рейс с обслуживанием по первому классу
    first-class flight
    рейс с пересадкой
    transfer flight
    с автоматическим управлением
    сбиваться с курса
    1. wander off the course
    2. become lost сближение с землей
    ground proximity
    свидетельство с ограниченным сроком действия
    expiry-type license
    связь по запросу с борта
    air-initiated communication
    сеть передачи данных с пакетной коммутацией
    packet switched data network
    сеть с высокой пропускной способностью
    high level network
    сигнализация об опасном сближении с землей
    ground proximity warning
    сигнализация самопроизвольного ухода с заданной высоты
    altitude alert warning
    сигнал с применением полотнища
    paulin signal
    система визуального управления стыковкой с телескопическим трапом
    visual docking guidance system
    система пожаротушения с двумя очередями срабатывания
    two-shot fire extinguishing system
    система предупреждения опасного сближения с землей
    ground proximity warning system
    система предупреждения столкновения с проводами ЛЭП
    wire collision avoidance system
    система привода с постоянной скоростью
    constant speed drive system
    система распыления с воздуха
    aerial spraying system
    (например, удобрений) система с тройным резервированием
    triplex system
    система управления с обратной связью
    feedback control system
    скидка с тарифа
    1. reduction on fare
    2. fare taper скидка с тарифа за дальность
    distance fare taper
    скорость захода на посадку с убранной механизацией крыла
    no-flap - no-slat approach speed
    скорость захода на посадку с убранными закрылками
    no-flap approach speed
    скорость захода на посадку с убранными предкрылками
    no-slat approach speed
    скорость набора высоты с убранными закрылками
    1. no-flap climb speed
    2. flaps-up climbing speed 3. flaps-up climb speed скорость схода с ВПП
    turnoff speed
    с крыльями
    слой атмосферы с температурной инверсией
    с момента ввода в эксплуатацию
    since placed in service
    с набором высоты
    with increase in the altitude
    снижение с работающим двигателем
    power-on descent
    снижение с работающими двигателями
    power-on descend operation
    с низко расположенным крылом
    снимать груз с борта
    take off load
    снимать с замков
    снимать с упора шага
    unlatch the pitch stop
    (лопасти воздушного винта) снимать с эксплуатации
    1. take out of service
    2. with-draw from service снимать шасси с замка
    release the landing gear lock
    снимать шасси с замков
    unlatch the landing gear
    снимать шасси с замков убранного положения
    release the landing gear
    сносить с курса
    drift off the course
    снятие воздушного судна с эксплуатации
    aircraft removal from service
    снятый с эксплуатации
    событие, связанное с приземлением и немедленным взлетом
    touch-and-go occurrence
    соединение крыла с фюзеляжем
    wing-to-fuselage joint
    сообщение с борта
    соосное кольцевое сопло с обратным потоком
    inverted coannular nozzle
    соосное сопло с центральным телом
    coannular plug nozzle
    сопло с косым срезом
    skewed jet nozzle
    сопло с многорядными шумоглушащими лепестками
    multirow lobe nozzle
    сопло с реверсом тяги
    thrust-reverse nozzle
    сопло с регулируемым сечением
    variable area nozzle
    сопло с сеткой
    gaze nozzle
    сопло с центральным телом
    bullet-type nozzle
    с передней центровкой
    с приводом от двигателя
    спуск с парашютом
    parachute descent
    с регенеративным охлаждением
    (о системе) с системой автоматической смазки, автоматически смазывающийся
    сталкиваться с препятствием
    fail to clear
    с тенденцией к пикированию
    столкновение птиц с воздушным судном
    bird strike to an air craft
    столкновение с огнями приближения
    approach lights collision
    столкновение с птицами
    birds collision
    страгивать с места
    move off from the rest
    стремянка с гофрированными ступеньками
    safety-step ladder
    строительные работы с помощью авиации
    construction work operations
    с убранной механизацией
    с убранными закрылками
    схема захода на посадку по командам с земли
    ground-controlled approach procedure
    схема полета с минимальным расходом топлива
    fuel savings procedure
    схема с минимальным расходом топлива
    economic pattern
    сходить с ВПП
    turn off
    с целью набора высоты
    in order to climb
    сцепление колес с поверхностью ВПП
    runway surface friction
    тариф для перевозки с неподтвержденным бронированием
    standby fare
    тариф на полет с возвратом в течение суток
    day round trip fare
    телеграфное обслуживание с дистанционным управлением
    remote keying service
    тележка с баллонами сжатого воздуха
    air bottle cart
    топливозаправщик с цистерной
    fuel tank trailer
    траектория захода на посадку с прямой
    straight-in approach path
    траектория полета с предпосылкой к конфликтной ситуации
    conflicting flight path
    трафарет с инструкцией по применению
    instruction plate
    трафарет с подсветом
    lighted sign
    трафарет с торцевым подсветом
    edge-lit sign
    (в кабине экипажа) тренажер с подвижной кабиной
    moving-base simulator
    тренировочный полет с инструктором
    training dual flight
    турбина с приводом от выхлопных газов
    power recovery turbine
    турбина с приводом от набегающего потока
    ram-air turbine
    турбовентиляторный двигатель с высокой степенью двухконтурности
    high-bypass fanjet
    турбовентиляторный двигатель с низким расходом
    low-consumption fanjet
    указатель с перекрещивающимися стрелками
    cross-pointer indicator
    указатель ухода с курса
    off-course indicator
    уменьшение опасности столкновения с птицами
    birds hazard reduction
    уменьшение тяги с целью снижения шума
    noise abatement thrust cutback
    уплотнение с помощью поршневого кольца
    piston-ring type seal
    уплотнение с частотным разделением
    frequency-division multiplexing
    управление креном с помощью аэродинамической поверхности
    aerodynamic roll control
    управление с помощью автопилота
    autopilot control
    управление с помощью аэродинамической поверхности
    aerodynamic control
    управление с помощью гидроусилителей
    1. assisted control
    2. powered control управляемый с помощью радиолокатора
    управлять рулями с помощью электроприводов
    fly by wire
    условия с использованием радиолокационного контроля
    radar environment
    устройство для замера сцепления колес с поверхностью
    surface friction tester
    уходить с глиссады
    break glide
    уходить с заданного курса
    drift off the heading
    уходить с заданной высоты
    leave the altitude
    уходить с набором высоты
    1. climb out
    2. climb away уход на второй круг с этапа захода на посадку
    missed approach operation
    уход с набором высоты
    участок маршрута с набором высоты
    upward leg
    участок маршрута с обратным курсом
    back leg
    учебный полет с инструктором
    instructional dual flight
    фильтр с автоматической очисткой
    1. depolluting filter
    2. self-cleaning filter фильтр с защитной сеткой
    gauze strainer
    фюзеляж с работающей обшивкой
    stressed skin-type fuselage
    фюзеляж с сечением из двух окружностей
    double-bubble fuselage
    чартерный рейс в связи с особыми обстоятельствами
    special event charter
    чартерный рейс с полной загрузкой
    1. whole-plane charter
    2. plane-load charter чартерный рейс с предварительным бронированием мест
    advance booking charter
    чартерный рейс с промежуточной посадкой
    one-stop charter
    чартерный рейс с пропорциональным распределением доходов
    pro rata charter
    шасси с использованием скоростного напора
    wind-assisted landing gear
    шасси с ориентирующими колесами
    castor landing gear
    шасси с хвостовой опорой
    tailwheel landing gear
    штанга с распыливающими насадками
    spray boom
    штуцер с жиклером
    orifice connection
    эвакуация воздушного судна с места аварии
    aircraft salvage
    эксплуатация с перегрузкой
    overload operation
    эксплуатировать в соответствии с техникой безопасности
    operate safety
    элерон с аэродинамической компенсацией
    элерон с весовой компенсацией
    mass-balanced aileron
    элерон с внутренней компенсацией
    1. internally-balanced aileron
    2. sealed-type элерон с дифференциальным отклонением
    differential aileron
    элерон с жестким управлением от штурвала
    manual aileron
    элерон с зависанием
    dropped aileron
    элерон с компенсацией
    balanced aileron
    элерон с приводом от гидроусилителя
    powered aileron
    элерон с роговой компенсацией
    horn-balanced aileron

    Русско-английский авиационный словарь > с

См. также в других словарях:

  • Signal (bridge) — In the card game of contract bridge, partners defending against a contract may play particular cards in a manner which gives a signal or coded meaning to guide their subsequent card play; also referred to as carding. Contents 1 Standard signals 1 …   Wikipedia

  • Ellery Queen — For the TV series, see Ellery Queen (TV series). Frederic Dannay (left), with James Yaffe (1943) Ellery Queen is both a fictional character and a pseudonym used by two American cousins from Brooklyn, New York: Daniel Nathan, alias Frederic Dannay …   Wikipedia

  • Maniple — • An ornamental vestment in the form of a band, a little over a yard long and from somewhat over two to almost four inches wide, which is placed on the left arm in such manner that it falls in equal length on both sides of the arm Catholic… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Mao (game) — Infobox Game subject name=Mao image link= image caption= players=2+ (best played with 4+) ages=10+ setup time= 1 2 minutes playing time=60 minutes upwards complexity=variable strategy=variable random chance=variable skills=invention, induction… …   Wikipedia

  • Mao (card game) — Mao Jacks are commonly wild, allowing any player to call out a new suit when a jack is played. Alternative name(s) Mau Type Shedding type Players 2+ (best 4+) …   Wikipedia

  • Ark of the Covenant — The Ark of the Covenant (). Rashi and some Midrashim suggest that there were two arks a temporary one made by Moses, and a later one made by Bezalel.Hertz 1936] The Biblical account relates that during the trip of the Israelites, the Ark was… …   Wikipedia

  • Overcall — For the poker term, see Glossary of poker terms. In contract bridge, an overcall is a bid made after an opening bid has been made by an opponent; the term refers only to the first such bid. A direct overcall is a bid made directly over the… …   Wikipedia

  • Michael Lawrence (bridge) — For other people named Michael Lawrence, see Michael Lawrence (disambiguation). Michael Steven (Mike) Lawrence (born May 28, 1940 in San Francisco, California)[1] is an American bridge player, teacher, theorist, and prolific writer. Contents 1… …   Wikipedia

  • David Bird — For the victim of the Cumbria shootings, see Cumbria shootings. David Bird David Bird (born 1946 in London) is the world s most prolific bridge writer, with over one hundred books to his name. He is bridge correspondent for the Mail on Sunday and …   Wikipedia

  • Marty Hogan — For the championship racquetball player, see Marty Hogan (racquetball player). Marty Hogan Outfielder Born: October 25, 1869( …   Wikipedia

  • NEC — For other uses, see NEC (disambiguation). NEC Corporation 日本電気株式会社 Type Public Traded as TYO …   Wikipedia

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